A Message

Oct 31, 2012 16:13

Blessed be, everyone! May your All Hallow's Eve be met with friendly spirits and happy memories. ♥

And for those who celebrate Halloween, may it be full of fun and lots of candy! ^_~

As for *my* All Hallow's - so far - it's been both interesting and wonderful.

I don't mention this much, mainly out of respect for people who don't believe in such things (and because I'm leery of being labeled as a nutjob >.O), but I have some psychic and paranormal psychic ability. I don't exactly run around mediating with ghosts or predicting the future (most of the time), but I am very sensitive to energy, particularly spiritual energy. The reason I revere All Hallow's Eve isn't just because of the history of it and the fact that I happen to be Pagan, but also because while I have been known to sense spirits around me at various times of the year, this is the day I see more than usual.

Today I've seen a few spirits gathered around. I've sensed a few around me as well, ones I've known and loved for years, and a few new ones.

In short, I 'saw' Kim today.

I don't expect that everyone will believe me, but she gave me a message. More specifically, she asked me to post this:

I love you.

I get the feeling there's more she wanted to say, but I can't quite understand what it is. I'm not sure if it's because she doesn't know how to say it or I can't understand it. But this message is from her, for all of us who miss her.

That she loves us, and she misses us, too.

ETA 11:19pm: I finally - or *we* finally - figured out the rest of the message.

I'm sorry, and you shouldn't have had to find out that way. I'm sorry.

And all *my* love, to all of you. ♥

* Good luck with your NaNo, everyone! ★

love, holidays

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