Success! I have have finally figured out what's wrong with my NaNo!
... I have no plot. x.x
I really thought I did. But when I tried to match it up to
a structured plot system, I realized that I have no idea what my characters are going to be doing. (It doesn't help that I've made a point of *not* centering everything around the character in the RPG I play that this whole idea came from, seeing as he tends to steal the show. >.O) I have characters, I know the basic premise, but there's nothing for them to really *do*. Or more specifically, there's no real reason for them to *want* to go on the 'mission'. And I have no idea what would make them go yet. -_-;;;
I also realized that my main villain has no depth, but that's okay because I came up with an interesting twist on why he is the way he is. Not that it makes him any better, but it's something different.
But my main concern now is that I have four and a half days to figure out WTF my characters are supposed to do in this story besides be snarky and set people on fire. And when trying to come up with something *for* them to do, I've realized I have four+ potential main characters for the everything to focus around. Which, depending on who I chose, could totally change the entire story.