When Good Crossovers Go Bad ...

Jul 08, 2012 16:03

I've been on a Charmed kick again recently.

I blame Chris Perry/Halliwell. He's too damn pretty and full of angst. It makes me want to hurt people for him.

Somehow during all this reading of Chris fanfiction and browsing vids* and pictures, I had the sudden thought of Chris and Chibi-Usa from Sailormoon bonding over timetravel and meeting younger versions of their mothers who initially hate them. (I'm actually a little surprised I'd never made the connection before. o.O) And now it's kind of my Head Canon.

And then I started pondering how they could have met, and trying to remember what year Chris is supposed to be from. Which turned into the idea of Chibi-Usa being part of the resistance against EvilWyatt. Then I pondered other characters I love who are supposed to exist in the future and could have known Chris.

Now I'm picturing a post-apocalyptic resistance run by Chris Halliwell, Usagi Chiba, Alan Tracy, Lucas Wolenczak, Ben Braeden, Harry Potter's kids, and B Squad from Power Rangers SPD.

Run. Run now.

And for the love of fandom, DON'T encourage me. x.x

* I found this vid earlier today. It's everything about Supernatural that made me fall in love with it.

And to be honest, all the things I miss. -Glares at show-

sailormoon, randomness, charmed, seaquest, fanfiction, thunderbirds, harry potter, spd, supernatural

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