Never has this icon or my random tag been so appropriate ...

Jun 04, 2012 20:19

Today, I woke up (Three times, thank you Sky. -Glares at now-sleeping kitten-) to Shi-chan watching Prince of Tennis. Again. This lead into role-playing while talking about the Anime and how adorably arrogant yet somewhat dorky Ryoma is.

Then I started reading Final Fantasy fanfiction, 'cause I left off on one yesterday and reading helps me wake up faster. From there, I wandered into Narnia fanfiction, taking a brief moment to browse a couple Peter/Edmund romance stories for reasons unknown even to me. There was another brief pause for some experimental cheesy-rice that turned out to be incredibly awesome, before finding some lovely Edmund Angst while pondering playing Final Fantasy VII some more without actually doing so.

Current thoughts on Final Fantasy VII: I restarted my game again, because if I don't play for more than a few days, I tend to forget what the hell was going on. I *was* at Fort Condor, but now I'm in the middle of Cloud's tale about Sephiroth burning Nibelheim. This time I decided to save mid-story and turn it off, because it turns out there's only so long I can take Cloud fanboying over Sephiroth, as much as it amuses me.

Massive Monster: -Breathes on Cloud-
Cloud: -Dies-
Sephiroth: -Kills it in one hit- -Revives Cloud-

Rinse. Repeat.

Yes, Sephiroth is awesome and incredibly strong and I suck in comparison. I get it. Can we move on now?

How anyone ever believed Cloud was totally straight is beyond me. The amount of hero-worship he has for that man even back when he thought they were *friends* is ridiculous and kind of painful to watch. It makes me want to hug him and write him lots of Sephiroth/Cloud fluff.

Tifa is annoying the crap out of me the further I get. I think it's because she's kind of bullying Cloud into doing what she wants him to with all the 'You promised to come rescue me if I'm ever in a bind!' -Rolls eyes- Which he actually already did during the Don Corneo thing, so I don't see why she's still using this excuse. Also, I find it hard to believe a relationship could ever work between the two of them when Tifa actively hates ShinRa and its SOLDIERs, a company that Cloud has been starry-eyed over becoming part of since he was fourteen. It almost seems like she's trying to pretend that since he's not a SOLDIER 'anymore', that makes it all better.

I'm starting to get why Cloud was somewhat avoiding her in Advent Children. >.<

I can see Barrett/Tifa, though. He's clearly protective of her, she can control his temper, and they both adore Marlene.

Actually in restrospect, I don't like anyone in AVALANCHE because they're all pretty much assholes to Cloud for no reason beyond him not talking much and being a former SOLDIER. Aerith/Aeris is still a bit bossy, but she's growing on me. (Although thanks to
psyco_chick32 I keep snickering whenever I do anything Materia-related with her. ^.^) Red remains awesome, and I want to cuddle him too. Cloud and Red should just go find Vincent and save the world together. Cid might be able to come if he turns out to be as amusing as I remember. MovieReno can come too, but not GameReno.

Now I'm now re-reading my Chronicles of Narnia story Fragile Wings, after being inspired by the lovely Regrets, by MyBlueOblivion. I found myself writing Peter's surprisingly *almost* Anti-Aslan thoughts during the beginning of the story, and contemplating a Final Fantasy/Chronicles of Narnia crossover that ranges from serious and possibly angsty to deciding which FF VII characters would be their world's version of the Pevensies.

  • Sephiroth the Magnificent. Because he is, even if he's sort of more like Edmund happening in reverse. (Edmund started off as a traitor then became good; Sephiroth was good and then went insane and killed people.) He'd be the leader, the strongest warrior, and the epitomy of nobility.
  • Aerith the Gentle. Even though her personality is more like Lucy's, 'cause she's the type that informs Cloud she's coming with him and he gets to suck it up, and she's the one with the deeper connection to the 'higher powers' as it were. But honestly, that title wouldn't work for any of the guys.
  • Cloud the Just. He's always saving/fighting people that he should really give up on. He's also the most emo of the group, so. ♥ And Cloud would never be able to lead Sephiroth or Zack on a mission. He's too intimidated by Sephiroth, and Zack would just pat him on the head after getting an order and wander off to do his own thing anyway.
  • Zack the Valiant. He's bold, he's energetic, he's always making friends with everyone. He could *almost* be Peter, but he could also be the one with all the faith, while Sephiroth could ... not. So Zack gets Valiant. He always wanted to be a hero anyway.

I'm rambly today.

And after typing all this rambling up, I'm leaning more toward actually turning on the game again. I'm kind of wanting to hurry up and beat it so I can go play Crisis Core. (I have a thing about needing to play FF VII first; don't ask.) Mostly because ShinRa is starting to fascinate me, and I want to learn more about them. Which may actually lead to said Final Fantasy VII/Chronicles of Narnia crossover. And possibly Kingdom Hearts thrown in, because I had an interesting thought involving Denzel and/or Sora, and the idea of Cloud as any form of parent fills me with unholy glee.

Clearly my brain is in a very strange, random place. I don't know why that is, but hopefully good things will come from this. Or at least fun things, even if they're not actually *good*.

randomness, narnia, final fantasy

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