10 Questions Meme

May 15, 2012 15:48

Taken from
(An excuse to post something because I'm bored and my muses are torturing me for the hell of it. Again.)

10 Questions
1. Most Favorite fandom couples?
... That I mention here? I have a whole listing here on my website. Although I should probably update it again.

Power Rangers (In order of season) - Tommy/Kimberly, Rocky/Adam, Leo/Kai, Wes/Eric, Shane/Dustin, Hunter/Cam, Antonio/Jayden
Tommy and Kim are a total Romeo/Juliet couple; I hated the way the wrote her off in the show and stuck him with Kat. It's not that I don't like Kat, but he and Kim were more star-stuck, and I refuse to believe Kim would be that cruel.

Rocky and Adam are yin and yang: boisterous Rocky, shy and quiet Adam. Opposites attract.

Leo is charmingly trouble, and Kai seems to permanently have a stick up his ass until Leo gets through with him. The way they interact is adorable, namely because most of the time Leo does something stupidly brave, and Kai gets to yell at him for it.

Even if you don't like slash, you've got to admit that Wes and Eric act like jilted lovers throughout most of the Time Force season. But for all their issues with each other, when they finally work together as a team, it's so perfect you can barely tell they ever didn't get along. They're perfectly, adorably, dysfunctional, and I adore them for it. ♥

Shane and Dustin are best friends who constantly back each other up and look out for one another. There are tiny hints if you look, and I can see them teetering over the line between friends and more.

Hunter and Cam I found through Starhawk and had to go back to understand. The sarcasm and banter is cute and amusing.

I really haven't seen much (i.e. nearly enough) of Jayden and Antonio together, but what I have is full of innuendo, fluff, and fun. ^_^

2. Diamonds or Pearls?
Neither, really. I'm more into emeralds, malachite, and mystic fire topaz.

3. What is your favorite book/movie series?
Book series would be The Last Herald Mage, by Mercedes Lackey. Movie series ... uh .... I don't really have one? I like all sorts of movies; there's really too many to choose from.

4. If you could have any super power(s), what would they be?
Healing? Of myself and others? Any other powers I can think of would have too many consequences, really.

5. Favorite sports?
Horseback riding! (I miss it. ;_;) Maybe tennis. Soccer doesn't totally suck as long as I'm on defense. I'm really not much of a sports person. c.c

6. Your favorite memory?
Eight years old, laying in the grass on my front lawn watching tiny bugs in the grass. Dog on my right, cat on my left. Chin in my hands, contemplating life, and receiving an epiphany: the meaning of life is to *live*.

7. What plans do you have for your future?
Find a job, pay off my debts, go back to school for psychology and/or programing, buy a house. Someday finish a non-fanfic story and get it published, which is turning out to be much harder than it should.

8. Do you have tattoos or piercings? If so, what are they?
I have both ears pierced once. (I collect funky earrings. ^.^V) I currently do not have any tattoos, because I need to verify my kanji first and I promised my sister - who happens to be a tattoo artist - that if I ever found anything I was willing to permanently mark on my body, I'd have her do it. Unfortunately we now live about four states apart. >.O

9. What class in school was your favorite?
Choir, especially in my freshman and sophomore years of high school. Most of my other classes were frustrating and boring. Oh, and my senior year of English, which I was credited for by writing a one-sentence daily journal for a month and then writing some essays about it, which was awesome. For college, probably my current events class. That was seriously one of the best teachers I ever had.

10. Favorite reality tv show?
I actually hate reality TV, but I do like to watch HGTV in general. It gives me ideas of what to do when/if I ever get my house.

meme, fandom

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