(no subject)

Feb 01, 2012 04:15

I had to share this, because it made me laugh so hard. Namely because I know people in many of these states. ^.~ Shi-chan sent it to me on Facebook.

Top 10 WTF? U.S. Sex Laws *

In other news, I am up an hour earlier than I have to be because heartburn SUCKS. LOTS. >.<

On which note, I'm catching a plane to Idaho in a few hours to visit my Brother for two weeks. We decided to do this yesterday, because last minute ticket prices at Travelocity were awesome. There shall be much movie watching and video gaming and general goofing off, because we can.

I later found out that it's supposed to be thirty degrees all week in Idaho. And it's going to snow today and tomorrow. If the central heating he promised me isn't amazing, HEADS WILL ROLL.

(i.e. If I freeze to death, you know who to blame.)

* There are many questions to this article, but I think one of my favorites is the one Shi-chan posed to #1: What do lesbians do in those states, then?

randomness, heart family

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