Bishie, the Evil Wonder Bird!

Jul 17, 2008 00:36

This morning I was innocently sitting on my bed, trying to post and making sure I felt better than I did last night. All of a sudden my friend's cockatiel, Bishie, comes flying into the room, checking out the top of the closet, the window, the dresser, and eventually landing on the bed. He waddled around for awhile, then hopped up onto my laptop and proceeded to attack the video that was playing. (Coincidentally, it was Breath, by SierraNicole. You can see Wes' head in the bottom picture.) Eventually my friend came to rescue me and removed him from the premises before Bishie and I started fighting over my computer.

So what did I do during all this? I grabbed my cell phone and turned on the camera. And soon learned how to e-mail pictures to myself.

And later, when he fell in love with my friend's lamp. Or the sight of himself reflected in the lamp, it's hard to say.

And while I couldn't upload them to LiveJournal -Glares- I uploaded the videos he sent me to my website so I could link them from here.

The reason Bishie is chirping away at this box is because there's a female cockatiel inside, and he's trying to woo her even though he can't get inside.

And this is Nova, my friend's puppy. Sadly, Nova is no longer with us. But she was a cutie.

pictures, pets

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