Christmas Carols are EVIL. Because I said so.

Nov 23, 2011 09:10

I had a dream this morning (I say this morning, because I semi-woke up for a few minutes when Shi-chan unplugged her iPod to take it to work with her and the radio came on instead, which is what I blame this on) that was sort of a combination of Supernatural and Who Framed Roger Rabbit, with Ninja Turtles thrown in.

Dean and Sam were trying to track down the Jersey Devil and got mixed up in some kidnapping/murder mystery thing while their mother - who looked weirdly like my Girl Scout troop leader from when I was a kid for awhile, but was supposed to be Mary - was following them around and trying to convince them to stop and come home with her. Dean finally got fed up enough that he turned to his foster mom(?) who happened to be Shi-chan's mom and started to say 'Mom'(because that's what he called them both) got frustrated, and finally said 'Anna will you take Mary home?'. (Which is weird because Shi-chan's mom's name isn't Anna. o.O) Mary got all upset and 'Anna' was just 'Sure, honey'. The moms left so Dean and Sam could go back to investigating, which involved leaning over a very tall cliff with no railing that actually gave me vertigo even though it was a dream. Then they tried to disguise themselves to sneak into Toon Town to do more investigating, which involved Sam dressed up as a giant jalapeno and Dean in a baby pickle costume. Then Dean and the evil Toon people tortured Sam by hammering tacks into his feet, but he was okay because they were just hitting rubber and Dean was only pretending to hammer them in.

And then the Ninja Turtles were trying to sneak out of somewhere and Raph tried to distract some monster thing while his brothers got out but the thing left teeth marks in his arm while he shut the cage on it. Then he turns around and there's this vine/snake/rope thing wrapped around Leo, Donnie, and Mikey's necks all at once, and he's trying to get them free but they're all trying to gesture at him to free the others. So he gets pissed off and just cuts the damn thing, then freaks out a little because he's worried he cut somebody 'cause they were moving too much, while they're all just trying to breathe again after being strangled.

And then I woke up to hear Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer playing on the radio.

I think I've been watching too much Jeff Dunham lately. Or role-playing. Or something. I don't even know where half that crap came from. I'm blaming the radio.

Have I mentioned that I hate Christmas Carols?

dreams, teenage mutant ninja turtles, randomness, supernatural

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