Bright Skies (Multi - Season Crossover/Power Rangers, prompt #48: Life, T)

Jul 16, 2008 10:33

This prompt makes me want to write Sky/Bridge fluff, just because I couldn't here. But the muse isn't in the mood, and I can't come up with any inspiration. >.<

So instead, I give you the amusement that is 'Jen'.

Author/: Tsukino Akume
Fandom/: Power Rangers Time Force moving into S.P.D., multiple Rangers from each season
Characters/: Wes (Time ( Read more... )

bright skies

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lunaria_kitty July 23 2008, 22:21:03 UTC
Aww, poor Sky. :( I feel like I say that in every other prompt about someone, but gah! You'z goooood. ^_^ Oh! And Jen! Hee! :D She's adorable! ♥ Yes, you've successfully made me fall for yet another dog. -Grins- I applaud you. ^^ I love Rosa and Ruby too. Well -grins madly- Yes. Exactly. ♥

And yay! Go Sky for making Wes admit his feelings. ^_^ -Pats him- Good boy. Now just go do that to Eric and then force them in a room together until they 'officially' get back together. -Nods- And have Jen guard the door. Hee!

You know, I don't think I could love Bridge more than you've made me with Bright Skies. He's just so sweet and cuddly. I always want to snuggle him now. He's just too darn cute. ^^ -Sighs- Poor thing. Again. :( He's just always getting the brunt end of the emotional roller coaster it seems. I mean, so does Sky...and many of the others, but it's so...-handwaving- ...raw (-Frowns- Is that the right word?) with Bridge in terms of his feelings and emotions. Especially with him still getting a handle on his aura-reading/empathy-ness. (Sorry, my vocabulary seems to have left me...along with my memory. >.< You know what I mean...I hope?) -Huggles him-

-Giggles- I enjoyed the Rocky/Wes scene there at the end. Somehow, I'm betting Wes won that sparring match... ^^

Much love! ♥


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