Not Dead!

Sep 07, 2011 13:28

Still alive. Still breathing. Been playing/arguing with Sims: Medieval lots. Warning: This game will EAT YOUR SOUL. Attempted writing, but so far all I've managed is reading old fanfics I have saved to my computer and adding bits to my Charmed Fic I'll Probably Never Post here and there. Spending my evenings hanging out with my Shi-chan, which involves lots of Role-Playing and watching Prince of Tennis. Usually at the same time. RYOMA IS LOVE. SO IS EIJI. And Momo. And Oishi/Eiji, who are clearly married. And everyone. Because they're all adorable. (Except for the fangirls and photographer and that obnoxious bragging kid.) And Kalpin! ♥ I may attempt fanfiction for this series someday, but now that it's so firmly crossed over with my RPG in my head, I'll probably never post that either, since the only one who ever reads those stories is my Shi-chan and I can just e-mail them to her. ^.^;;;

Health still sucks. I've been taking the anti-inflamatories my doctor prescribed right before I moved, but they're either not helping or making it worse. All I know is that I have multiple small lumps on both hands now, ranging from the size of a pencil point to the size of a fingernail. Plus the larger ones I already had. And one of the lumps on my left knee is getting bigger, while the whole joint is stiffer. I'm still mobile (thankfully), but stiff and slow-moving. Also tending to get tired a lot, which is why I haven't been on any messengers lately. I can't seem to get through the day without napping for an hour or two anymore, which is annoying as hell. >.<++

So I'm alive. Just lazy and tired. And addicted. c.c;;; And whenever I get bored of Sims: Medieval (Hah.), there's still TONS of movies and video games and manga I haven't read in this place. Plus Shi-chan, which means lots of giggling and chatting and cooing over anime.

Yeah. I may be quiet for awhile.

randomness, knee problems, health issues, heart family

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