The Dangers of Songfics

Aug 07, 2011 04:18

Started off this evening with a nap. My joints are loosening up - which is good, and means I'm slowly getting better - but it also means that the ache is still there, just duller, and now moving into my muscles as well which is ... fun. Headache is dying down to the point that sound isn't painful and I can mostly turn my head again, but browsing YouTube is slowly reminding me that it isn't all gone yet. >.< And being in a constant state of pain is very wearing on the body, so I've been sleeping on and off lots in an effort to work through it.

Which means lots of Sims: Medieval time and reading fanfics. ^_^

Tonight, I started off with the fantastic Toward a Dark Horizon, by Philippa, which is part of a series that adds Dick Grayson to the Batman Begins 'verse. Somehow in the midst of saving my own copy to my computer (as I tend to do with fics that I know I'll read over and over again, given the chance) I wandered into the Animaniacs fandom looking for sibling fluff - namely Yakko and Wakko. After that I branched into Phineas and Ferb, which I have a much milder fondness for, and discovered yet another fandom that holds both the romantic Ferb/Phineas stories as well as some Phineas and Ferb brotherly fluff. Somehow I ended up with Fairly Oddparents fanfics, which mostly seem to be family fluff between Timmy and Cosmo and Wanda, and how they're more parents to him than his own - which as anyone whose ever watched the series knows, is blatantly true.

As it turns out, the person whose stories I've been reading likes throwing plot-related lyrics in. Whole songs, actually. And seeing as my headache has mostly died down and I hadn't recognized most of them, I got curious.

I wish I hadn't.

image Click to view

Beautiful song.

Not something I should be listening to. Especially when I'm already not feeling well and avoiding conversation because of it.

I think I'll go back to reading fanfics now.

* ETA: Forgot about the addition of muscle spasms with the loosening joints. Oh, how I didn't miss you. >.<++

blood family, relatives, fanfiction, youtube vids, video, health issues

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