Not doing any better, but still breathing.

Aug 04, 2011 02:12

I made it to my doctor's office this morning. The doctor I saw wasn't the one I usually see (it's a clinic with like, nine doctors in total, so I'm kind of impressed this is the first time I've seen anyone else), but I like him. He took the time to sit down and go over every one of my symptoms, talk about what I'd been given and why, and came up with a better prescription (although I haven't been able to fill it yet c.c;;). Even better, I'd told the assistant who brought me back and took my vitals about my extreme headache, and the doctor made sure to sit directly in front of me and speak in a very low, soft voice. Which was very ♥ of him.

He and the assistant both helped me figure out which medications the ER gave me that I had the bad reaction to, too: Tortall and Dilotted (which I'm sure I'm misspelling). I remembered that they started with a 't' and a 'd', and that one sounded like Dilantin. Mostly I recognized the sound of the words, but I'm happy they took the time to figure out what it was. I'm *pretty* sure it was the Tortall that made my arm burn like hell and the Dilotted that made me itchy, but I can't be absolutely certain because I wasn't completely coherent at that point. Either way, it's been established that my body does NOT like injections period.

Currently I have orders for lab tests to verify if I have arthritis and/or rheumatoid arthritis, so that we can have proof that I need a rheumatologist if I do. (Apparently it's very hard to convince one of them to see you, judging by all the hesitation I've been getting.) I'm also supposed to be tested for a couple of other things just to be sure, because the doctor thought I might actually have a combination of symptoms and that's why no one can recognize it. He wants me checked for any immune system issues, too. I haven't gone yet because I have to a) fast for eight hours first and b) figure out which clinic to go to and when/how. There was no way I was going today anyway: my headache was so bad when I left the clinic Ruby took one look at me and drove straight home. I spent most of the afternoon asleep again. Even now, my headache is still so bad it's making me too nauseous to eat more than half a cheese sandwich, a pickle, and a kit-kat - which I pretty much had to force myself to do. >.<

One thing that surprised me was my Facebook. I have one mostly for keeping in touch with relatives, seeing as that's the only place I managage to find most of them (excluding one of my sisters). None of them ever seem to reply to any of my posts though, so I use it like a second Twitter for griping about things and letting my Shi-chan know I'm still alive. But on Tuesday my aunt actually replied to one of my posts about going to the ER, asking what was wrong and if I was having trouble getting in to see a doctor. ... Which is about the time I went 'Oh, *yeah* ... She's a nurse, isn't she?' -_-;;;

So, I explained my symptoms for her, figuring at first she was just curious. (In my defense, she and I haven't spoken since my parents' divorce.) My mom actually answered to that comment, wanting to know if these are the same lumps I used to get on my hands when I was younger. I explained that they are, except that now they're no longer just on my hands and starting to affect my entire body with stiffness and greater amounts of pain.

To my surprise, my aunt actually replied again, asking if the lumps were under the skin or on top, and offered to do some research and ask some of her doctors if they had any suggestions for me. I ended up linking her the picture of the sideshot of my left hand, because it has the best view of the lump itself, and thanked her for the help. I'm still a little stunned by the offer, seeing as things ended rather badly between me and my mom's family (between me and *all* relatives except my sister, actually >.<), but still I'm incredibly grateful for any help at all.

My main concern is my lack of appetite and the intensity of my headache - not to mention the *type* of headache. It goes from my shoulders all throughout my head, with this intense pressure that feels like my whole head is being squeezed in a vice. If I try to turn my head at all, there's a fierce, stabbing pain in the left side of my neck. It's making me sensitive to sound to the point that I haven't been able to listen to any music for *days* when I usually always have something on in the background. I actually think it's the headache that's been making me too nauseous to eat much, rather than the painkillers. I've been trying to sleep a lot just because it's less painful than being awake. >.< And this has been going on since ... Monday I think? I know it's gotten worse the last couple of days. It's at the point that this morning I double-checked that Yahoo article I saw the other day about what type of headaches mean you should seek medical attention. But at the same time, what's another trip to the ER going to do? Give me another allergy attack and establish more painkillers that don't do anything? -Sighs-

I'm definitely not doing any better yet - point of fact, I scared yet another assistant when she saw the look on my face when I went to stand up - but I do *feel* better knowing that people are making the effort to help. Now if I could just get the headache to calm down enough that I can stand being conscious for longer than a few hours at a time. -_-;;;

relatives, health issues

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