Rambling and Violent Characters who don't like to cooperate

Jul 04, 2011 22:24

First of all, fireworks suck. Royally. >.<+++

Second, it appears I am not writing what I thought I was for Camp NaNoWriMo. My muse decided yesterday that instead of working on Mages of Tydor like I'd been planning to, it wants to start an entirely *new* novel. -Sighs- *Now* I'm instead working on something based off the role-playing game I play with my Shi-chan - and it's entirely her fault I'm doing it, too. -Eyes her- Essentially it's a reincarnation/re-imagining of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table story, but it's really a lot better than that makes it sound. I think. I hope.

On the upside, I have 1,658 words so far and I've only been actually writing since last night. So far it starts off with a guy being tortured, a kid who thinks he's crazy, a random seemingly-evil girl being ominous, and a kid being warned not to light another guy's face on fire again. I have like, one to two more scenes planned and then I have no clue what's going to happen after that.

On the downside, I'm trying not to make it look like incest. Again. -Sighs and glares at her characters- You can be cute without being slashy, damn it! I know you can!

Of course, now that I've posted this, I'll probably lose all my inspiration by the time I finish those scenes. Because my muse is evil like that. -_-;;;

And fireworks still SUCK. >.

writing, rants, the world that never lasts, camp nanowrimo

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