This week sucks. Flat-out SUCKS. And this is why.

Jun 19, 2011 00:08

So, Monday I had that oh-so-fun job interview experience that left me demanding fluffiness.

Tuesday I woke up with pain in the lower left side of my back, about the size of my open hand with fingers spread. It was just under/behind my rib cage, and mostly a dull ache. Unless I coughed, sneezed, yawned, or hiccuped, at which point I would swear like mad at the resulting intense flare of PAIN. Especially yawning, which hurt more, and hiccups, which hurt longer.

*I* thought this was some sort of knotted muscle or something, probably from spending forty-five minutes sitting awkwardly at a bus stop trying to avoid getting the sun in my eyes. Shi-chan, who is my expert on most medical issues and all things back pain-related (due to personal experience and previous CNA training), agreed that it was probably a knotted muscle, maybe a pinched nerve. She made some suggestions and gave lots of sympathy, and checked up on me whenever we talked, 'cause she knew what it feels like.

On Wednesday, I started having chest pain. This is also not new: I suffer from bad acid reflux among other things, so I didn't think anything of it. At one point I felt pain in a nerve going through my right breast, then it was gone. There was pain in the center of my chest for awhile, but it died down and I figured it was just the usual. My arms and legs were tingling occasionally, sometimes I had a muscle spasm around one of my knees, a persistent headache, sometimes losing my balance or grip a little, but again, with all the crap my body goes through, this is normal for me.

Thursday, I slept until after 4:00pm 'cause I'd been up all night talking with Shi-chan. When I woke up, I *hurt*. It took me awhile to actually get up out of bed, and when I finally left my room to find food, purplestripe66 took one look at me and asked if Tylenol wasn't helping anymore, then offered to take me to the doctor.

At the time I said thanks for the offer, but that's okay. I thought about it, but I still needed to take a shower before I went anywhere, my general doctor was going to close in like, 45 minutes, it was getting late and I know she doesn't like leaving the house after she's gotten home for the day, and I figured I was just making a big deal of nothing. I've always been a baby about pain, and 90% of the time when I go to the doctor or ER, I get told there's nothing wrong with me. So I brushed it off and went to make dinner.

A little bit after 8:00, I was chatting on Yahoo with rosabelle and challon86 while talking on the phone with my Shi-chan. I'd been coughing and having a little trouble breathing all day, but again, I figured it was just because it was hard to breathe deeply when my back and occasionally my chest hurt like that. In the middle of talking, I started to cough really hard. Shi-chan asked me if I was okay, but the pain was so intense it actually took me about ten seconds to gasp out a response. I admitted that my chest really hurt, and that I was having trouble breathing. She told me to go to the ER: now. Not tomorrow if it didn't get better like we'd originally talked about, but *now*. I messaged rosabelle and challon86 that I had to go and why, and they immediately agreed that I needed to go straight to the ER. Luckily purplestripe66 had just returned from the community swimming pool right as I was finished getting dressed and grabbing some stuff together, so I told her that I needed to go and why, and she got changed and ready to go.

The drive over was ... not fun. I was in enough pain and struggling to breathe that I actually told Ruby that I thought I might black out, and warned her what my symptoms were so that she could tell the ER when we got there if I did. She agreed I had to be in pain when she commented that I probably wanted to go to the hospital that's farther way (which is my favorite one because they're the nicest), and I responded that I'd like to go there because it's the nice one, but at this point I was in so much pain that I didn't care. She tried to keep me awake by asking me multiplication questions and how to spell things like 'onomatopoeia' (Which even she admitted she just asked me to be evil. -Makes a face at her-). I was having trouble thinking clearly: it took me a few minutes to remember that 2x3 is 6, not 5, and I couldn't remember anything to do with 9 or 11.

When we got there, Ruby said she'd grab my bag for me and sent me on my way in. I sort of shuffled along, because movement is not easy when you can barely breathe. I almost ended up at the wrong door before she told me I was going the wrong way, and she *still* beat me inside the ER, long enough to grab a wheelchair and come to get me. Technically I did also have to stop for two on-coming cars before I could get across the street to the ER (One of which kept going - the jackass - while the other stopped to let me shuffle across. Seriously, who doesn't let the pedestrian have the right of way at the *emergency room*?), but yeah.

The guy who admitted me was kind of rude (His name was Garrett, which amused me because in FtD and Bright Skies, Kat's son is named Garrett). He snapped at Ruby when she tried to answer his questions for me because clearly I was trying to focus on *breathing*. Which, I know why he wanted me to answer and all, but still. -Glares at him- I managed to wheeze out a few short answers, mostly one-word or as close to as I could get. I was in tears by that point because the pain was so bad. (On my pain scale, I consider crying an '8' 'cause I'm such a wuss about it.)

I was actually given a room pretty quick - probably because I was clearly Not Okay. My technician's name was Jason, which amused the hell out of me - almost as badly as discovering that my RN had two-toned hair, which immediately made me think of KO-35. When we were alone I asked Ruby how many bunnies she had, and had to explain about the idea of 'Andros' - my Phoenix family nickname - being admitted to the ER where his technician is Jason (No, I don't know how/why Jason is working in a hospital), and how my nurse had Kerovian hair. Clearly I was still not all there, but the idea entertained me. Because you know it would happen, and Jason would demand to know what the hell Andros did to himself *now*, and rat him out to Zhane via text message, who would be like ' ...What do u mean Andros iz n hospital? WHERE R U?'

They ran lots of tests on me. Checked my heart, took vitals, stole blood, all that good stuff. Ruby told them that my temp was actually higher than normal for me even though it was only up like, .2 degrees, since I'm usually a perfect 98.7. At one point I think they thought I might be having a stroke, 'cause I heard the nurse ask the tech to move the young lady with the possible stroke to another room - right before I was moved from a bed into a wheelchair and down to another room in the ER.

I felt *really* bad for the RN when she tried to give me an IV, because I could *not* stop shaking. I don't know if it was because I hate IVs - they *ALWAYS* hurt, no matter who does it or where it is or how careful they are - or the pain, the problems breathing, or something else, but I was shaking so badly she actually had to do it twice. Which made *her* feel so bad that I couldn't calm down and relax for her that she apologized three times. c.c;;; But there was a pain reliever that came with the IV which *did* help some and she was really nice, so I forgive her. ♥

They put me on oxygen to try and help me breathe, but the problem with that is that the guy told me to breathe normally three times, then take in one deep breath and hold it for three seconds before starting all over again. And the whole reason this mess brought me into the ER is because I haven't been able to breathe deeply for a week. So I tried, but it hurt bad enough that I was literally sobbing the whole time; I couldn't stop. He finally took me off the oxygen and told the nurse it was bringing my blood pressure up.

I was taken for an x-ray, which also hurt because it involved standing, taking a deep breath and holding it, and then got left in the waiting room for awhile while we waited for another room and to have my CT scan done. Ruby and I sat around a lot. Eventually we got moved back into another room, and were given warmed blankets upon request. She made cracks about my Andros in the ER plotbunny and Zhane calling the 'blood thieves' as I called them, vampires. (Which he would.) There was also much talk of cookies, which was evil because it turned out the hospital's cafe was closed by then. Of course.

By this point, it was around 2:00am. I was *still* in large amounts pain, to the point that I couldn't even lay back in the bed, and Ruby was pissed because she had an eight hour shift the next day that she needed to sleep for. I was in a bad enough mood due to pain that I'd been swearing in front of small children in the waiting room - which I never do, because I firmly believe that when kids start learning to swear it isn't going to be from me - and I actually asked Ruby to throw the chair next to her at the girl in the room across from us who was whining and bitching about how much pain she was in and how she hated everyone and no one would leave her alone. She didn't, but she seemed amused that I actually asked her to because that's not like me at all, either.

The CT scan *sucked*. I had to lay down on the table (which hurt), put my arms above my head (which hurt more), and take a deep breath and hold it again (which yet again, hurt). Then they gave me the iodine injection, which *burned*, but I've had one of these done before so I expected it to. The crowning moment was when I went to get up off the table, lost my balance, and I faceplanted onto the tech lady's chest. I think. I remember falling forward, seeing her stomach and shoes, and then I remember her helping me back onto my bed and wheeling me back to my room.

More waiting. I kept feeling hot, then cold, then hot, then cold again. Coughing still hurt. My vision kept trying to gray out on me, and I was incredibly light-head, which I figure was from the lack of air. Ruby was furious about all the waiting, but that was completely understandable. The doctor finally showed up to explain that all the tests had come back all right so far, but they were still waiting for the results of the CT scan, which should be any minute. Ruby ended up turning on the TV and watching some That 70's Show, the theme song to which has now been stuck in my head all day. I spent a great deal of time trying breathe, not to cough, and getting depressed because at that point I was absolutely positive they were going to tell us they couldn't find anything wrong and send us home. (This happens to me a lot with hospitals, which is yet another reason why I don't trust them and absolutely *HATE* having to go.)

Eventually the doctor returned. She told us that they found what looks like I now have a *second* pulmonary nodule in my lungs - which thanks to Ruby's request for more explanation about it, turns out is like having a mole. Nothing to worry about, but something to keep an eye on just in case. And then, almost on the edge of the scan by the newest nodule, they *finally* found what was wrong.

I have pneumonia.

Fortunately, it's still a pretty mild case. (I will admit that my first thought was that only *I* would move to Arizona and end up with pneumonia. In June. I know it's a bacterial thing, but still I couldn't help it. ^.^;;;) I needed some antibiotics and I'll have to make a follow up appointment with my doctor on Monday, but I should be fine in a week or so.

They stuck me with another pain reliever, but this one actually burned. The newest nurse who came to give it to me was making cracks about how she's sadistic and enjoys causing her patients pain (Ruby of course liked her instantly. -Blows a raspberry-), but assured me that it should die down in about thirty seconds or so, and to let her know if it didn't. Unfortunately, it didn't. It *kept* burning, through my left arm (where the IV was), through my chest (which hurt the worst), and down my right leg, with a slight ache in my right arm.

She eventually concluded that I'm very sensitive to IV pain relievers - which actually makes a lot of sense to me - but said that some people are just like that. They gave me a Benadryl injection to kill the burning, which eventually helped, and some saline to help wash out the IV. The saline actually burned that time too, which it hadn't before, and no one was really sure why. o.O

So they gave me some fluids, and eventually two antibiotics through my IV. By the time of the last antibiotic, Ruby had gone out to find some place warmer than the ER because she was cold. The sadistic nurse told me I was already looking much better though, and I agreed it was definitely helping. (Ruby had commented more than once I had a yellowish tint all night.) I used the nurse call button to let them know when it was done, and was amused at the tag around the button saying it was from Anaheim, California - where I used to live. That's also when I noticed an alarming red rash all around the tape holding my IV in. (My eyes literally went O.O when I saw it because that's never happened to me before no matter how bad the IVs hurt.) The nurse who came to untangle/tape/remove various items from me assured me that it was just a small rash, probably because my arm was irritated from the injections, and that as long as it hadn't started to work it's way up toward my shoulder, I should be fine. She brought my paperwork to sign, explained my medications, and helped me into the newest wheelchair to head out for the waiting room and find Ruby. I warned her about the faceplanting episode because my balance had been pretty shitty all night, but she laughed it off and assured me I'd have a soft landing place while grinning at me and patting her own chest.

I sent Ruby a text on my way to the waiting room to let her know we were free to leave, and was startled to realize it was already after sunrise. Apparently we were there until 5:00am. x.x -Feels so bad for Ruby- I watched some episode of Law&Order while I waited for her to bring the truck around for me that was actually kind of interesting, and finally climbed out of my chair and wobbled out to get in the truck and head home.

I did make a very slow trip to Walgreens to drop off my prescriptions today and get some groceries. Mostly juice, because my Discharge Instructions say to drink 8 to 10 large glasses of water or juice a day, but also some microwavable pastas because I wanted more food that didn't require effort. And cookies for Ruby, as a thank you. And some cookies for me, 'cause she made me want them too. Turns out I'm gonna have to go back though, because my state health insurance is stupid and has decided that someone who had to apply for unemployment to *get* their damn insurance can afford an $8 co-pay. -Glowers and mutters darkly- But after all the drugs they gave me in the ER this morning, I was already warned not to worry about my next dose until tomorrow anyway. It was really just the inhaler I was looking for today.

My plan is to spend the next several days hiding in my room to avoid spreading any disease to Ruby, and on Monday make my follow up appointment. There will be lots of sleeping and probably fanfic reading, seeing as I can only talk for so long before my chest starts to ache again. So anyone who wants to offer up supplies/suggestions will be eagerly accepted. Also anyone who wants to snag any possible plotbunnies or ideas from my grand adventure is more than welcome to them.

* I was also amused to note another nurse at the ER had green bangs. Apparently there are several Kerovians working in this hospital, as well as Power Rangers. Maybe that's why I like it so much.
** rosabelle's text message response to my ER update that I have pneumonia: 'Of course u do. love u' ♥

fanfiction, commentary, health issues, heart family, mmpr, phoenix family, cookies, rants, inspace

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