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lunaria_kitty July 23 2008, 21:56:18 UTC
So, I saved all the updates you had up the last time I was able to get access and am attempting to comment them all now so I don't forget to when I get internet again. -Giggles- I'm saving all of them in one document. :P Still showing love even though you won't get it till later. ^_~ Forgive me if the comments on Light through Parents is off in any way, I didn't think of this genius plan until I was reading Life. So I did Life through Leaving it all Behind, and now I'm back-commenting (and back-reading), so-to-speak. :P (And it just occurred to me that I should be doing this with the html stuffs in it too, instead of just typing it that way. >.< Oops. :P)

Anywho, enough babble. On with the commenting! ^^

-Giggles- There's the Syd I remember. :P And annoying Sky too no less. ^^ Poor Sky, all withdrawn and lonely without the others. :( I always want to hug him. And Bridge, just because he's so adorable. ♥

Ooh Monopoly. Wes would pick that one to play. :P I love that they still get together, even though they can't all be there anymore. Aww, they lost Delphine. :( And I think the way she and Dax connected was sweet. A good motherly figure for Dax, away from home. :)

I love Zhane. That is all. ♥


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