I miss sleep. Or at least being *able* to sleep. -_-;;;

May 24, 2011 05:01

The song 'Tuesday, 3:00am' from the movie Latter Days has a different meaning at 4:00am on Tuesday, when I'm wide awake for no apparent reason. Well, that and it's become a personal theme for one of my characters in my RPG, but that's beside the point. Seriously, I slept for all of *maybe* five hours. And I have things to do today. And my alarm clock is going to go off in about half an hour.


Maybe I'll poke at fic, in hopes of something to write while I'm standing in line/waiting around today.

For anyone who's never heard the song:

image Click to view

Oh, and it is now my personal cannon that Wyatt Halliwell has a boyfriend named Aaron. Which is based entirely on the fact that Wes Ramsey played Christian in this movie, as well as the adult Wyatt in Charmed. Why Wyatt was a brunette when they met I'm not entirely sure yet, but I already have theories. *Why* did I re-read Ripples last night? WHY?!

Today should be interesting.

randomness, charmed, fanfiction, youtube vids, digimon, movies

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