Thoughts of Who I Am, Who I Want To Be, and People Who Matter Along the Way

May 02, 2011 22:32

I had an IM conversation earlier tonight with someone that was feeling down, and we got to talking about why, and how hard some things are to deal with. I was feeling rather introspective for some reason, and said some things that I felt were worth keeping for in the future when I need to remind myself about them. This isn't directed toward anyone in particular anymore, except maybe myself. But it could be said to *anyone* on my Friends List. Because each one of you is amazing, and wonderful, and makes me happier just because I know you.

So, with that in mind, this is for all of you.
Hardly *anyone* likes who they are. Liking yourself is one of the hardest things to do. Knowing who you are is the other.

I don't like who I am, either. I barely even *know* who I am.

I'm getting to a better understanding, and starting to appreciate the things that I *do* like about myself, but I still need to hear other people telling me that they like me, too.

But that's what life is about, really. Finding yourself, understanding yourself, and learning to love yourself. Learning to love who you are alone and who you are with others.

Learning to love at all.

It's *EXTREMELY* hard to change your way of thinking. Incredibly hard. It's something that takes lots of time, baby steps, and conscious decisions to change. You have to take the time to say 'Wait, I shouldn't say that. I need to think of this in a different way.'

But you've already done that once. Didn't you just talk about how you grew up isolated and homophobic, but you've grown and learned and started to understand, and now you know better? That's a big change to make, you know.

And never, ever be afraid to share what you think. Hiding what you really want to say will never change anything, and only make you miserable. Anyone who can't accept what you really think, or at least make the effort to try, doesn't need to be part of your life. You don't need to hide who you are. You're beautiful, inside and out, and special and amazing and so full of love and caring. Anyone who can't truly see you, and love you, doesn't deserve you.

When I exploded with everything that was in my head for Blowing Smoke, you were one of the people who stood by me and made me realize that the people who matter, the ones that see you, know you, and love you for who you are, not who you think you're supposed to be? *Those* are the people you want in your life. Those are the people you *deserve* in your life.

I wouldn't be *me* if it I hadn't met you. I wouldn't be Sunny. I wouldn't have my Phoenix Family, I wouldn't be in the place I've always wanted to be, and in all possibility I wouldn't be working in a job I love. I'll never stop being grateful that you sent me a message and wanted to be friends. Because it changed my life infinitely for the better.

Because my Brother is a sweetheart:

Just remember, keep smiling, you are very much loved. and anytime you need to vent, I'll listen.

friendship, sunshine thoughts, heart family, phoenix family

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