"Memo to me, memo to me, maim you after my meeting."

Apr 27, 2011 17:56

I spent roughly two and a half hours wiping down shelves at work today, because we were pretty much dead. (I actually heard BossLady literally cheer in the backroom at one point when someone came in.) We use this all-natural cleaner called Mrs. Myers which admittedly, as far as cleaners go, smells pretty nice. But as I was sitting at my bus stop today, I kept sneezing and thinking 'Great, I smell like Mrs. Myers.'

It shows how tired I was after cleaning and grocery shopping that it took me ten minutes to realize why I was suddenly thinking about Wes, and why that was funny.

Today's Notes to Self
  • Buy a manicure set.
  • STOP READING FANFICS BEFORE WORK IN THE MORNING. Yes, it wakes you up, but that doesn't change the fact that it *ALWAYS* makes you late. Drink more coffee instead.
  • When you find yourself reading a 'No Dumping or Trespassing' sign as 'No Olympic Diving', it's time for coffee. Especially when it's in front of an empty dirt lot.
  • Trader Joe's stocks some 50.7 liter water bottles next to the yogurt and milk. Remember to get one from *there* next time, so that it's already cold when you buy it.
  • Remember to clean the shelves in the store more often, because today was disgusting. And also took forever.
  • Caffine + Pigtails = Singing Akume. Like, LOTS of singing. o.O
  • Bringing the backpack when you go grocery shopping is a Good Idea. Buying more than the backpack can hold is a Bad Idea.
  • Buy your contact solution at Walgreens. It's cheaper.
  • Remember to go to the bus bench in front of the school from now on. It's shaded, cooler, and *much* prettier. It's not like the longer walk means you have less of a wait anyway.
  • Boys riding on the handlebars of another boy's bike is both cute and incredibly slashable.
  • Don't forget to make phone calls tomorrow.
  • There are probably more things you needed to add to this list. Take a nap so you might actually remember them.

  • * The title for this post has nothing to do with anything, really. It just came to me while I was thinking about my notes to myself.
    ** Yes, I totally grinned and thought of Eric the first time I was introduced to our cleaner.

    randomness, work, notes to self

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