A Darker Shade of Red (Time Force/Power Rangers, T, Chapter 44: Chain of Command)

Apr 18, 2011 11:19

You know, I made a snarky reply to a comment from psyco_chick32 this morning, talking about how Sims: Medieval is eating up all my inspiration for fic. Also possibly all my interest in ... anything not Sims: Medieval, really.

Then I saw Spandex Report, and read Worthy, by Seren_Maris. (Also the adorable All Things That End In E.)

Which is about when I remembered, "Hey, didn't I have phantom_blue beta a couple new chapters of ADSoR for me the other day? Haven't I posted that yet?"

Shortly followed by "Hey, I like this chapter. Oh, wait. Now I remember where I left off from. Crap. How was I planning to work this scene again?"

Also, I clearly need to drink more of my giant mug of coffee, seeing as I just typed 'Haven't I posted that hat?'

Fandom/: Power Rangers Time Force, slight crossover with S.P.D. (In Bright Skies universe)
Characters/: Alex
Pairings/: Alex/Jen, Lucas/Trip, Katie/OC, Wes/Eric
Rating/: T
Disclaimer/: Saban/Disney/Whoever sure didn't write *this* into the series. The plot comes purely from my own warped little mind, and the characters are merely borrowed from them for my own amusement. Lucky you.
Summary/: The legacy of Wesley Collins and Eric Myers didn't just affect the past - it affected the future. One thousand years after they became Rangers, one person is still struggling against the corruption of Time Force and the heritage he never wanted.
Warnings/: People used for scientific experimentation, corrupted Time Force, character with self-image issues
Author's Notes/: No, still haven't abandoned this story yet. I'm just working really, *really* slowly on it. x.x

Love to phantom_blue for beta! ♥

Chapter 44: Chain of Command

"Why did I ever agree to this?" Alex muttered, glaring at the desk in front of him.

"Because you're a masochist," Trip piped up. "Sir," he added belatedly as Jen snickered.

Alex glared at him, turning to include Jen in his gaze. She ignored him, pretending to be intent on her own paperwork.

Letting his gaze fall back to the report he'd been given, he let out a long sigh. "So if there wasn't that much actual damage done to any of our systems, what's taking so long to get them back online?"

Trip winced as Jen looked up in interest. "According to Justin, something about the spell Chip was using sort of ... fried them? It wasn't on purpose or anything, but from what we've been able to figure out, Time Force technology and Chip's magic don't react well to each other."

In the end, there had been no way of hiding the Newtech Rangers from the public, let alone Time Force. Eric had flat-out refused to let Wes wander around the city while he remained at the house, something that had only seemed to amuse Wes. The others hadn't been any better: Justin argued that they could help with the reconstruction, while Taylor had informed everyone that there was no way she was staying trapped in a house with Zhane and Chip for long periods of time. Vanessa had immediately agreed, while R.J. just sort of looked entertained by the whole conversation. But then, from what Alex understood, that was just R.J.

Instead, they had all volunteered to help repair the damage from the explosions they'd caused. "After all," Zhane had remarked, "It was our fault. Mainly because we thought you'd kidnapped Wes, but hey, we can still help with the clean up."

Zhane himself had offered to take care of P.R. with Katie's help, citing that he had the most experience. From what she'd said, he picked up on how to use their technology amazingly fast, and had charmed most of the public in a single press release. Their official statement was that the Newtech Rangers had come to the future in search of Wes, and just 'happened' to arrive at the same time as the attack on Time Force. They were staying to help the Time Force Rangers, and waiting for Wes to be ready to return home.

Trip had teamed up with Justin and Vanessa to deal with the damage to the electronics, which was mainly the landing bays, timehole generator, and timeship dock. Communications and most of teleportation had already come online barely a day after the attack. No one had cared to bother with the labs beyond basic clean up.

The rest of the group had pitched in for manual labor: moving rubble, repairing lighting, and physical cleaning. Wes had grinned at Eric and told him 'Now you get to 'hang out' with us too!', which had caused Eric to groan and make a face while Lucas laughed. Chip was strangely enthusiastic about it all, which seemed to exasperate Taylor as much it at amused R.J. On the other hand, Taylor had also seemed happy just to have something to do. From what Alex had learned of her through Wes, she was the sort of person who *hated* to sit still for any length of time.

Ben had confided in him that it was actually sort of fun. Alex was inclined to believe it had more to do with the idea that he was finally getting to spend time with their parents, getting to know them, than the actual labor itself. Lucas had mentioned absently that Wes or Eric were often working beside his brother, talking quietly with him, and Alex figured that was what Ben really enjoyed.

Well, that and the fact that he still didn't have to go back to school.

Jen had taken up Admiral Logan's position, as Logan had happened to be standing next to the communications console when it blew and was consequently hospitalized while they put him through regeneration to fix the burns. Logically, Jen shouldn't have been the one to take charge of Time Force, but between Logan's coup d'état, Blakemore's trial, and the Newtech Rangers' attack, there wasn't anyone else high enough to take the job that was considered trustworthy. As it was, it was really only because of her morpher and status as leader of the Power Rangers that she was even able to take charge.

That was how they learned that Logan had been dealing with an incredible amount of paperwork, most of it legalities. There were employee reviews as well, seeing as all of Time Force was now under suspicion to see who had supported the 'old' Time Force, and trying to decide who was staying on with the 'new' Time Force. Adding to that just the basic duties that came with running Time Force as a whole ...

Jen managed everything by herself for two days. Then she came home one night and nearly broke her hand on her punching bag as she screamed in frustration. Alex had made the mistake of asking her what was wrong.

I really should have known better, he thought to himself with an internal sigh.

He couldn't just *leave* her like that. So, against his better judgment, he took a leave of absence from his job with Newtech City Library to help Jen run Time Force.

It was weird, he reflected. While he hadn't actually re-enlisted, he was being considered as such. Cadets he didn't recognize stopped to salute him in the halls, and everyone but Jen had begun calling him 'sir' - and in Jen's case, the only reason she hadn't was because they were the same rank. He wore his old uniform - now with the color-coded undershirt all Time Force Rangers were required to wear - because it was easier, but he still hadn't decided if he felt comfortable wearing it again or not. It had been strange to go to work at the library in something else, but at the same time it was a nice kind of strange. He'd worn a uniform for seven years. Civilian clothing had been something different.

He shook his head, clearing his thoughts. "Any idea how long it'll take to fix the problem?" he asked, looking up at Trip again.

Trip shrugged. "Justin said twenty-four to forty-eight hours to restore power. That's the best he can do."

Alex sighed. "And Justin is the only one around here who has any experience in dealing with technology and magic at the same time," he muttered to himself. "All right," he said louder. "Get him whatever he needs to get it done. The faster we can bring back everyone that's out on assignment, the better."

Trip nodded, saluting. "Yes, Sir."

He rolled his eyes. "Trip, stop that. I mean it. I'm not Time Force anymore."

"But you are sitting behind the desk," Trip pointed out, flashing him a cheeky grin as he headed for the door. "Sir."

Alex glowered as the other Ranger bolted through the door before he could reply.

"He's right you know," Jen said absently. She sat directly across from him at the desk they were sharing, studying the newest report in front of her. "You may not have officially returned, but you're still here. And you're the infamous Time Force Red. No one's going to forget that overnight."

He reached up to pinch the bridge of his nose with a sigh. "Wes is the famous one," he reminded her. "Not me."

Jen shook her head, looking up at him again. "Wes may be famous, but you're the one who brought in Ransik," she pointed out.

"No, *you* did," he retorted.

Now Jen was the one rolling her eyes, and he realized abruptly that the gesture was probably one he'd picked up from her. "You brought him in first. Sure, the five of us caught him again, but that was all five of us. You brought him in the first time all on your own." She shrugged when he blinked at her, startled by the thought. "It's intimidating for anyone who doesn't know you."

He blinked again, shaking his head slowly. "But I had backup," he argued. "Practically half of Time Force was waiting outside."

Jen sighed, setting down her datapad. "Alex," she said gently, meeting his eyes. "There are plenty of reasons people admire you just for being yourself. Between capturing Ransik, how fast you rose in rank, and all the work you've done for Time Force ... " She paused, hesitating. "Not to mention your testimony."

He swallowed painfully.

"Maybe Wes is famous for who he was, in the past," she continued softly, her eyes still boring into his. "But you're famous now, for who you *are*."

"Wesley Collins' descendant?" he offered, unable to keep a trace of bitterness from his voice.

She shook her head, reaching out to put a hand over his. "No. Alex Collins, Time Force Red. Most of the public has never met Wes before yesterday. And now - "

A sharp knock on the door cut into the conversation, and she shot a glare at the door.

Alex tried not to smile at her expression. He wasn't sure if he was glad for the interruption or not. "It's fine," he assured her quietly. "I get it, Jen. Really."

She raised her eyebrows skeptically. "Do you? Enter," she added, before he could respond.

"Hey," Wes greeted them both absently as he strode in, his dog trailing along at his side. "It's six o'clock, right?"

Alex blinked at him, surprised by the question even as he was grateful for the casual attitude. It was the first time someone other than Jen hadn't addressed him as 'sir' all day. "Yes."

Wes folded his arms, narrowing his eyes at them both in an expression that was eerily reminiscent of Eric. "So why are you both still here?"

Alex wondered briefly if it was really true that couples tended to resemble one another as they got older before he finally registered Wes' question. "Where else would we be?" he returned, frowning.

"Heading home for the night. Going out for dinner. Spending time with your family," Wes shot back, rolling his eyes. "Living. You know. Things not work?"

"You live at S.P.D.," Alex argued. "You're not one to talk."

"I *work* at S.P.D., just like most of my family," Wes retorted. "Point of fact, I'm usually on evening shift because I'm trying to make sure Ranger Squad goes to bed."

Alex snorted. "You have a room in the building. And you *do* sleep in it," he added when Wes frowned.

"Wes, we still have work to do," Jen interrupted before he could argue back. She shook her head, looking genuinely regretful. "Believe me, I'm more than ready to get out of here. But there's still too much that needs to be done." She waved a hand at the paperwork piled between them on the desk.

Wes' eyes narrowed. "Is anything going to explode, fall apart, or in any way cause the destruction of Time Force, Newtech City, or the Earth in the next fourteen hours?"

She sighed. "No."

"Then it's time to go home."

Alex frowned. "But - "

"No," Wes said firmly. "I'm telling you both this as your father and your friend: it's time to leave the office. You guys need a break." He paused, wincing slightly. "Also, I'm slightly concerned Ben may have strained something while we were doing cleanup today and is trying to hide it."

"What?!" Alex shot to his feet. "Why didn't you say so in the first place?" he demanded, already locking down his computer out of habit. If Wes thought he could see Ben hiding an injury, it was most likely a bad one.

"Because it doesn't change the fact that you need to get out of here for the night. Both of you," Wes added, raising his eyebrows at Jen. "Seriously. We all need to take a break for awhile. Do something normal. Probably with food, seeing as I'm not sure everyone remembered to eat lunch today and knowing Trip, Justin, and Vanessa as well as I do, I'm pretty sure that's a no."

Alex noticed Jen shaking her head out of the corner of his eye, even as she reached out to lock and shut down her computer. He was already gathering up the data pads that needed to be locked away for the night. "You're a lot bossier than I remember, you know," she remarked.

"Comes with being a parent," Wes returned cheerfully, ruffling the dog's ears as it pressed against his leg.

Alex raised his eyebrows. "Not a commanding officer?"

Wes shrugged, offering a slight smirk over his shoulder as he headed for the door. "There's a difference?"

Alex shook his head in amusement while Jen smothered a laugh. "Now *there's* something I never thought I'd hear out of Wes," she murmured to Alex as they followed.

alex/jen, a darker shade of red

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