A Day of Not-Fail?

Apr 15, 2011 17:58

Today in Summary:

♥ Managed to convince two people to sign up for our store's discount club, which seeing as I'm not a very pushy person, was sort of O.O for me. Boss was actually impressed and congratulated me twice with a big smile.

>.< Was reminded why I hate being a girl.

>.< Somehow managed to give someone the wrong receipt. Granted, there were like, four, and she did bring back the one I needed, but still.

♥ Had several customers thank me for all my help when I carried stuff out to their cars for them.

♥ Actually had a fairly consistent flow of people for most of the day, which meant less time staring at the walls.

-_-;;; Had to get the step-ladder to get one of the large windchimes we sell for someone because I was literally too short to lift it off the hook. Once I got it off it was fine, but from the angle I reaching it was too heavy, which was incredibly frustrating and embarassing.

x.x Spent half the day singing When Will My Life Begin to myself at work. Again.

♥ Got groceries at Trader Joe's and was able to eat lunch while waiting for my bus, which, seeing as I didn't get breakfast this morning was definitely a good thing.

♥ Saw the same lady at Starbucks who was there the day I came in right after getting hired. As soon as she heard my name, she actually remembered me and asked how work was going and if I was enjoying my job. I assured her I love it. ^_^

♥ I don't know if it's the Tribute Blend they're using right now if just because the Barista's at that Starbucks know I how love my Frappachinos, but my Caramel Frappachino was very sweet today.

>.< Discovered that not only are the on-board bus passes seriously overpriced, but they're cheaply made, too.

♥ There was a cute guy on my first bus home that smiled and waved at me when I got on. A few stops later he moved to let an older man have his seat and sat down behind me with his head on the back of my seat. Which was kind of brilliant, because he smacked his head on it when the bus stopped at the train tracks, but. -Snickers-

He actually pouted at me when I pulled the cord for my stop, then introduced himself and shook my hand before I got off. Sadly I didn't actually catch his name because I was wearing my headphones at the time, but I do know he works at Circle K (Poor guy.) For some reason he reminded me of Ron Weasley. Which is kind of funny, because I usually don't like red-heads. (My brother and only male cousin are both red-headed. My cousin is built like a viking, while my brother sort of looks like a paler, freckled version of Sam Winchester before we discovered he had muscles hiding under all those shirts.)

♥ Remembered to use my umbrella at the bus stop that doesn't have any shade, so I didn't roast to death.

♥ My groceries actually remained semi-cold by the time I finally got home.

♥ Discovered my coffee creamer is still good, which means I can have coffee again tomorrow morning! -Beams-

Notes to Self:
* Always bring your blue hoodie with you to work. ALWAYS.

* Stock up on All-Day Bus Passes at Fry's next paycheck.

* Restock your messenger bag.

* Put away your laundry. Then you might actually know where things are.

Also, I am highly amused to find that not only am I one of my favorite/least-favorite characters (I have a love/hate relationship for him), but I'm also the same character as starandrea.

Harry Potter Personality Quiz
by Pirate Monkeys Inc.

Now to go build Lord Voldemort's kingdom in Sims: Medieval for the express purpose of torturing Sims. -Rubs hands together gleefully-

randomness, games, rants, work

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