Procastination is the mother of more procrastination.

Jun 19, 2008 03:19

Stolen from
y2jdingo, 'cause I can't get Wes to cooperate again. -Pokes him with a stick-

You know how sometimes people on your friends list post about stuff going on in their life, and all of a sudden you think "Wait a minute? Since when are they working THERE? Since when are they dating HIM/HER? Since when?" And then you wonder how you could have missed all that seemingly pretty standard information, but somehow you feel too ashamed to ask for clarification because it seems like info you should already know? It happens to all of us sometimes.

Please copy mine below, erase my answers putting yours in their place then post it in your journal! Please elaborate on the questions that would benefit from elaboration! One-Word-Answers seldom help anyone out.

1. Name: Offline- Jennifer, Gennie, Jen, and occasionally 'Hey you.' Online-Tsukino Akume, Akume Tsukino, Peggy, and Andros.

2. Age: I look like I'm fifteen, act like I'm five, and feel like I'm eighty. Technically, I'm just shy of twenty-five.

3. Location: Anaheim, California, three blocks from Disneyland. But next week I'll be in Rexburg, Idaho, which is somewhere around Idaho Falls. I've never been there before, so I don't know the area.

4. Occupation: Unemployed - I think. If the theme park that formerly employed me ever decides *what* they're doing about me while I fight for my worker's comp. I'm aiming to do something administrative soon.

5. Partner: Sadly, only partners in crime. Unless you count Zhane, my fiancé. And Karone and Ashley, my girlfriend and girlfriend's wife, respectively.

6. Kids: Hell no. I can't afford to pay for my *own* needs, let alone anyone else's.

7. Brothers/Sisters: Jacob, Rachel, and Jamie, all older than me. Jamie just turned twenty-eight; I can't remember how old the other two are for the life of me. Over thirty for sure.

8. Pets: None at the moment. -Cries-

9. List the 3-5 biggest things going on in your life:
-Trying to get worker's comp to pay for an MRI to find out if I have a torn muscle in my right knee, at which point I would need knee surgery. And *oh*, will there be someone else paying for it. -Growls-
-Moving to Idaho, due to the fact that the lease on my apartment is up and we can't afford this place with me not working. I'm hoping to get a job and get on my feet there, so I can save up to move to Arizona, which is where I *really* want to go.
-Trying to sort/pack my stuff in two days so I can shove it all in a storage unit.
-Coming to the realization that I don't think my parents are ever speaking to me again, and while hurt, deciding that I can live with that.
-Discovering I've somehow turned male and become part of a twisted foursome, and feeling both okay with and amused by that.

10. What did you go to school for? So others could see me suffer. I have an Associate of Science Degree in Graphic Design though, if that's what you meant. Although it has yet to actually get me anywhere. >.<++

11. Parents: Not so sure anymore. They're alive, living somewhere around the Lake Tahoe area of California. We've had a falling out, and are no longer talking.

12. Close Friends: Okami, Shi-chan, Ryokou, and Otoko. They got me through high school and college, and helped me during every difficult time of my life in the last ten years. I consider them the family of my heart, and love them as siblings. I also have challon86, phantom_blue, and purplestripe66, my 'Phoenix Family', who makes me laugh and feel loved.

13. Do you drink/smoke?: I hate alcohol, and I'm allergic to cigarette smoke. Deathly allergic to marijuana smoke.

14. Piercings/tattoos?: One hole in each ear that I tend to forget about for a year or so, and am consistently surprised to find they're still there. I have two tattoos I would like to get someday, both in kanji, but I have to wait until my sister and I are in the same zip code again so she can do it for me. 


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