Note to Self: Trust your instincts more. And don't talk.

Mar 25, 2011 20:58

So, you know how I said I had the feeling Boss and BossLady were mad at me?

Yeah. I was right.

It took them a week to decide to talk to me about it, but yeah. >.<

Notes to Self for the Future:
- Triple check the schedule before leaving. Preferably with pictures.
- Keep your mouth shut.
- Don't volunteer for things, even if you're trying to be helpful. Apparently this is not appreciated.
- You need to study more.

I'm not actually in trouble or anything, but I got 'talked to' about the things I did wrong, which made me feel ...

Well, I asked purplestripe66 if we could stop at the store for ice cream. And then bought pizza, too. (Also coffee creamer and milk, but that's for tomorrow morning.) So far I've killed the pizza and am working on a glass of Mountain Dew. I'm about to go attack my sample-sized Starbucks coffee.

My plan after ice cream is to find fanfic that will make me smile and giggle lots, go to bed early, and blank most of this day from my mind by the time I wake up.


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