Happy Day! ♥

Mar 11, 2011 00:44

Reasons Why Today was Awesome:
♥ Headache from the last two days was finally gone when I woke up.
♥ Had breakfast, hot shower, put in contacts, and did make-up and *still* managed to make it out the door a few minutes early.
♥ Pleasant walk to the bus stop, complete with puppy and lots of birds.
♥ Remembered most of the things I needed to do when opening the store on my own.
♥ Pretty new things in the store to look at.
♥ Payday! -Glee- My first paycheck since moving to Arizona! First paycheck in two years, too! (I was dorky and excited enough to take pictures of it. ^.^;;)
♥ Our Freesia kept shedding flowers today, so I put them in my ponytail. No one noticed - Ruby said later she thought it was my hair ribbon, not actual flowers - but I was entertained.
♥ Shipment Day, which meant lots of box-moving and labeling things. Surprisingly, I still actually enjoy doing this. And like Co-workerGuy, Boss kept warning me to be careful because they were 'heavy'. Which made ma laugh, because to me, they're really not. (Which makes me incredibly happy for many reasons.)
♥ Messed up on something, but I wasn't the reason Boss was upset for the rest of the day. He was actually pretty cool about the whole thing.
♥ Co-workerGirl is still a sweetheart. She was Uber Helpful with offering me tips and information, and we chatted about the renaissance festival and when each of us is going. (Or going again, in my case.) We're both excited about it. ^_^
♥ Being recognized for working at 'the bird store' when buying a bottle of water from Trader Joe's, because I left mine at home.
♥ Our flock is starting to let me get closer to them to take pictures, which means they're getting used to me.
♥ Four different people told us how pretty our store is. (Which it is, but it's still nice to hear.)
♥ Got let go an hour and a half early because store was dead all day and we'd run out of things to do.
♥ Started a new bank account!
♥ Went to Starbucks to get a carmel frappuchino to celebrate my first paycheck and new bank account. Also because someone wandered by our door and informed us that Starbucks was giving out free desserts with their drinks. Chatted with cute coffee girl about how I was celebrating and why, and she got all excited for me. I noticed later that she drew a smiley face on my cup too, which made me grin.
♥ Spent an hour sitting in Starbucks at a table in the sun, drinking coffee, listening to music, munching incredibly yummy chocolate/carmel/toffee bar-thing, and working on a possible entry for the Writer's Digest Annual Writing Competition.
♥ Found purplestripe66 in Trader Joe's while I was taking pictures of the flowers they had for sale outside (or rather, she saw me and yelled to get my attention), then wandered around picking up food for dinner to celebrate my happy things of the day, and a lunch for tomorrow 'cause I wanted to try it.
♥ Stopped by Goodwill on the way home, because Ruby had a bad day and needed something 'shiny'. Over an hour later, I left with five cute little cups with yellow flowers on them (four of which have accompanying mini-plates to sit on), a candle holder, two really cool-looking egg holders, a very pretty candle cover with stars cut into it that says 'Cherish Yesterday, Dream of Tomorrow, Live for today ♥', a bamboo steamer, and a round armchair in an obnoxious shade of orange that I sat on and fell in love with. The bamboo steamer cost me $8. (I've never even *seen* one of these anywhere before.) The chair was $1. Seriously. It's super-comfortable, and all it needs is a slipcover 'cause it's starting to get threadbare in places.
♥ Guy who got the ticket for my chair and brought it around back for us to pick up was cute and friendly.
♥ Ranting about the horrors of retail with the girl ringing us up. Then she found out I used to work at Disney, and started squeeing over how did I get it because apparently she wants to work there so bad. -Is amused-
♥ Ruby has a truck, which means we were able to bring home my chair and the five plastic outdoor chairs that she got for also $1 each tonight.
♥ Chair turned out to be super light and we managed to unload the car in three trips.
♥ Made somewhat experimental tofu stirfry for dinner, which turned out yummy. -Beams-
♥ My Shi-chan sent me a bunch of piece of Power Rangers Flair on Facebook.
♥ Tried my green tea ice cream bites (Apparently I mis-read the carton, and it's not a half gallon. -Sadness-), which are basically green tea ice cream in a green tea jell, covered in flower. They're nothing like I was expecting, but I like them. They were a nice way to end my day. ^_^

And now, I needs sleep. I have to get up early and take the bus again tomorrow. It'll be my first time taking it home too, so this should be interesting.

randomness, writing, work, phoenix family

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