ABC Meme!

Mar 06, 2011 01:46

Age: Upper twenties.

Bed size: Queen, but it's not technically mine. I'm borrowing a room from purplestripe66.

Chore you hate: Dusting and vacuuming. They tend to make my allergies act up. Also dishes, but that's because I'm always afraid I'll break something. Which I sometimes do. >.<

Dogs: I adore mutts. All the dogs my family has had have been near-pound puppies, actual pound puppies, or found us. (Same with our cats for that matter) I tend to have a special fondness for golden retrievers because the dog I grew up with was one, and she treated my sister and I like her puppies, but generally I love personality more than anything. I do best with medium-sized dogs - big dogs tend to run me over - but I don't mind small dogs.

Essential start to your day: I'd say coffee, but I don't get that often enough. Shower, if I'm going anywhere. Otherwise I just sort of tend to roll over and turn on my computer about the time I'm heading for the bathroom, and then come back to check updates and read fic for awhile.

Favorite color: Green, Black, Silver, and White, especially together. If I had to pick *just* one, I'd probably go with like an emerald green.

Gold or silver: I usually pick silver, but I've gotten more into wearing golden colors lately. Which is odd, because they never really looked good on me until recently. -Shrugs-

Height: 5'2"

Instruments I play: My voice? -Makes a face- I *started* to learn piano when I was about nine or so, but then my piano teacher moved to college. Shortly after that I joined the school band and started learning flute (Although I *really* wanted to learn trombone ... -Sulks-), but then my grades started to fall and my mom told me I had to pick choir or band. Being a dumb kid who loved choir more and didn't realize that it's harder to re-learn an instrument, I picked choir. My very last year of middle school I semi-joined back up to help out with the marching band and learned a couple of the snare drum cadence, but that's about it. Choir on the other hand, I took for eight and a half years, until I switched schools halfway through my junior year of high school. (To be fair, I'd probably have dropped out anyway because the new music teacher was *horrible*. >.<)

Job title: Sales Associate. I am no longer unemployed! -Dances around and throws confetti-

Kids: I have three nieces and a nephew, and I like to call some of my electronics my babies. -Eyes Ruby- Or my cats, seeing as I raised a few of them after we found them. Biological human kids? Someday, hopefully. I've always wanted to be a mom, especially a foster mom. I had some neighbors growing up that were temporary foster grandparents for disabled children, and I used to help them out a lot when they needed a babysitter or even just an extra hand. It really opened my eyes to the foster care system, and what it really means to be a parent for a kid who needs one the most. I decided a long time ago that if and when I get to that point of my life where I'm stable enough financially and emotionally to *become* a foster parent, I'd like to take in older kids and teenagers - the ones who really need someone the most. I'm not against the idea of biologically having kids, but I really want to give a stable home to someone that needs it.

Live: Arizona. (At last! ♥) About an hour south of Phoenix.

Mom’s name: Janet.

Nicknames: Akume, Sunny, Sunshine, Andros, Peggy, Ringo.

Overnight hospital stays: -Pauses to count- Three? Where I was actually admitted? I think. I could be wrong. And that's not counting a couple times of sitting in the ER waiting room overnight trying to get in to see someone.

Pet peeve: The word 'horsey', things purposely misspelled, LOLSpeak, and the phrase 'Just joshin' ya'. -Twitches-

Quote from a movie: So many to choose from! "Look at yourself. You're so pretty and colorful on the outside, but inside you're nothing but fluff. You're like a walking, talking marshmallow peep!" -Elder Aaron Davis in Latter Days

Right or left handed: Somewhat ambidextrous, but mostly right handed.

Siblings: An older brother and two older sisters. Brother and oldest sister are from my dad's first marriage, while the other older sister is from my mom's. I'm closer to the younger older sister though, 'cause we grew up together. I never got to see much of the other two.

Time you wake up: Depends on if I have to be anywhere. If I don't, usually late morning, early afternoon. If I do, it's two hours before whenever I have to leave, so I have time to wake up, shower, and eat first.

Underwear: Yes.

Vegetables you dislike: Uh ... mushrooms, mostly. Sometimes onions. It depends on how they're made.

What makes you run late: Hitting the snooze button on my alarm, or more specifically waking up just enough to reset it for another hour, and then falling back asleep.

X-Rays you’ve had: Lesse ... I've had five MRIs (I think; I might be missing one), and X-Rays for my left wrist, both knees, and multiple dental (I had braces). Oh, and the iodine-thingie they did of my chest three weeks ago, when they found out about the pulmonary nodule. That one *sucked*. >.<

Yummy food you make: Grilled tofu marinade and vegetable cream cheese eggrolls! Oh, and my frosted sugar cookies. I can't cook many things, but the few I do manage are awesome. ^_^V

Zoo: Uh ... I went with a friend's family once. I think it was San Diego? And another time with my aunt and uncle. I have random pictures of cute tigers cubs playing together and very bad shots of the dolphin show from *way* too high up in the stands, but I really don't remember any of it.


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