Yay, more Doctor-Type Thingies and lots of waiting to plan for!

Feb 21, 2011 10:47

Okay, so doctor's updates:

I have an appointment about the Acid Reflux From Hell for tomorrow at 2:00, which hopefully means very swift resolution of the deep hacking cough I've had all weekend and the ache in my chest that Does Not Die. >.< Now waiting for my Neurologist's office to call back and let me know if they want me on my medication before I take the Ambulatory EEG or not. Also for my general doctor's office to work through all their waiting calls so I can call to make a follow up on the pulmonary nodule the ER found on Friday.

That one worries me. See, I decided to ask my mom about my family medical history once again, because the ER doctor tried to ask me how my grandparents passed away on Friday and I could not for the life of me remember because my memory's been shit after the last few seizures. x.x So I e-mailed Mom to ask her about it. Turns out my grandmother passed away from a very rare lung disease. Like, so rare they couldn't even figure out how she got it. And with my chest bothering me like this? Yeah. This means fun things. >.<

It's probably nothing and I'm just panicking for no reason, but I've been screwed by enough medical professionals that I'd rather have it checked than not. I've found a couple of good doctors in this area that make me hopeful, so. But I've also noticed that my chest pain has been getting more severe and more frequent in the last year, too.

Okay, now have an appointment with my regular doctor about the nodule on Wednesday Morning. Now to cross all fingers that things go well with both doctors: not that they don't find anythng, but that they figure out what's *WRONG* with me. >.O++

blood family, rants, health issues

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