Stop the world, Ma. I wanna get off ... x.x

Feb 17, 2011 06:39

I live!

... barely. x.x

Had three seizures on Sunday and was unconscious in the hospital until Tuesday. And to be honest, I only woke up because the night nurse *woke* me up. -Mutters-

They kicked me out today, despite the fact that I'm still dizzy and lightheaded (Reading/writing is fun right now. I keep typing extra vowels. >.<), and I got a nose bleed right before we left. Came home and slept until about three in the morning. ... And now my sleep schedule is all screwed up again. Yay.

So I'm still tired. Still can't read very well, because everything's blurry. I'm also starting to get hungry, but I'm not so crazy about attempting to make my way to the kitchen, let alone find food. So we'll see how the rest of the day goes.

But I'm finally home and recovering. Which is a start.

Either way, I'm thinking it's safe to say that whatever's causing these seizures is getting worse.

health issues

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