Pairings Meme!

Jan 28, 2011 13:42

I don't usually do OTPs because there are too many different pairings I like, but this is seasonal so I thought I'd give it a try. Also I'm bored and finally feeling better. -Grins ( Read more... )

power rangers, meme

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Comments 18

lunaria_kitty January 28 2011, 20:45:58 UTC
Well you know which season I'm going to say... Space! Gimme Space! *giggles*

Love you! :D


tsukino_akume January 28 2011, 21:04:08 UTC
-Wrinkles nose at you- See my surprise.

My M/F OTP: Andros/Ashley
My M/M OTP: Zhane/Andros, because they're so ... yeah.
My F/F OTP: Ko-lin/Cassie, because PHANTOM IS A GIRL, DAMN IT. And she has Issues, which makes them more fun.
My endgame OTP: I refuse to pick just *one*. There's too many to chose from!
My original OTP: Andros/Ashley, 'cause I thought they were sweet. Which they are.
My crack OTP: I don't really do crack, but maybe T.J./Carlos, just because they both tend to get left out a lot in the romance department.
My guilty pleasure OTP: -Hmms- Maybe Carlos/Yasta, just 'cause no one else writes it. (Seeing as Yasta is my OC.) And Yasta is adorable and innocent, and Carlos is ... Carlos. I should write more of them.
My anti-OTP: Um ... maybe Andros/Cassie, just because I really can't see it. I mean, I'll read it, but I just can't see them working out.

... Of course this means I have now been challenged to *make* it work. Damn you. -Blows a raspberry-

What a coincidence! I love you too! ♥


dj_rocca January 28 2011, 20:48:21 UTC
Time Force!


tsukino_akume January 28 2011, 21:10:41 UTC
My M/F OTP: Alex/Jen He deserved so much better, though. She really should have stayed with him ( ... )


dj_rocca January 28 2011, 21:32:11 UTC
I agree with everything but Katie/Trip. I adore them as a couple...

Alex did deserve better but I honestly don't think he could ever move on from Jen. The man was in 'forever' mode.


tsukino_akume January 28 2011, 21:47:35 UTC
-Wrinkles nose- I think Katie and Trip just give me too much of a sibling vibe. But I respect your opinion. ^_~

He was! That's what makes it so sad! ;_; He totally believed she was the one, and then she went and picked the guy she knew she could never be with instead. -Hugs Alex protectively-


psyco_chick32 January 28 2011, 22:15:00 UTC
First season, old-school, bad-ass MMPR!


tsukino_akume January 28 2011, 22:48:18 UTC
Sure, give me the hard one. -Makes a face at you ( ... )


psyco_chick32 January 29 2011, 06:10:32 UTC
Wait, you mean there's somebody out there besides me who doesn't like Skull/Kimberly?!

*is kinda thrilled*


tsukino_akume January 29 2011, 06:41:12 UTC
I *knew* you were awesome. Now I have indefinate proof. -Toasts you in Anti-Skull/Kimberly appreciation-

(And I am *totally* thrilled, seeing as I seem to be one of the few people in this fandom who doesn't like Bulk and Skull.)


aliseforemosex January 30 2011, 19:21:53 UTC
Ninja Storm!

You remember that ninja/time semi crossover with Hunter and Blake's sister? I did that one over for nano... now I just have to finish editing it and finishing the final chapters of part one and I might actually be able to repost some of it!

*Proud of self*


tsukino_akume February 2 2011, 05:08:57 UTC
I somehow totally forgot you asked for this. I'm sorry. x.x -Feels bad-

My M/F OTP: Blake/Tori, because they're adorable.
My M/M OTP: Shane/Dustin, who are even MORE adorable! ♥
My F/F OTP: Uh ... don't have one for this season, actually.
My original OTP: Shane/Dustin From the very first episode I watched them together and went ' ... Hey. They're a totally cute couple.'
My crack OTP: Shane/Hunter, because while it entertains me and they totally have some interesting sexual tension, I honestly think one of them would strangle the other before the week was out.
My guilty pleasure OTP: Hunter/Cam, which isn't so much a guilty pleasure pairing as it's the pairing I like slightly less than Shane/Dustin.
My anti-OTP: Dustin/Marah. Not just because she tried to win him over and then ditched him, but also that she was trying to get together with him the moment she was good again. Like he would be okay with that? Seriously? >.< (This may also be because I ( ... )


mzdany October 16 2011, 03:51:28 UTC
LOL, you are the mother of Shane/Dustin fanfiction :)

But what about Lightspeed Rescue? I think you would appreciate Carter/Ryan....


tsukino_akume October 16 2011, 23:54:08 UTC
LOL, you are the mother of Shane/Dustin fanfiction :)

-Grins and bows- Thank you! I take this as a very serious compliment. And Shane and Dustin should probably take it as an invitation to run and hide. ♥

But what about Lightspeed Rescue? I think you would appreciate Carter/Ryan....

I have not actually seen very much of Lightspeed Rescue! I tried to watch it when it first aired, and was like ' ... Military Rangers? *Really*? >.<' and just ... couldn't watch anymore. But I've seen bits here and there since then, and I can definitely say that Ryan/Carter would be my favorite pairing. My only issue with trying to get into it now is that I'm pretty much at the point of needing to do an entire *series* marathon ... ¬_¬


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