Blegh. x.x

Dec 27, 2010 14:02

I has a cold. Which means I'm sick and miserable, with lots of nose-blowing and coughing. And brain is not functioning at full capacity at the moment. ;_;

But this morning I woke up to see that this Supernatural story I love, A Father Without A Son, was updated, which made me happy. ^_^

It also made me decide that I'm totally in the mood for SickLeo being taken care of by Mike. With lots of snuggles and sibling fluff. Possible even MiniLeo with TeenMike. I would totally write it myself, but again ... brain dead. >.<

So ... any takers? -Bats eyes hopefully and offers ShirtlessLeo in handcuffs-

ETA: Also, I finally figured out my YouTube problem! -Beams- Apparently it just hates Internet Explorer. But it works fine in Google Chrome. -Shrugs-

lost galaxy, corbett sibling fluff, fanfiction, supernatural

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