Distracted and Obnoxious, yet Still Writing! ^_^V

Nov 15, 2010 23:18

(A.K.A. Further proof that Starandrea is and will always be my role model. ♥)

Akume: Some random person I don't know has added me to their Writing Buddies. o.O
Challon86: lol, who?
Akume: tyrinea? -Shrugs- They live in Oregon.
Challon86: *amused*
Challon86: Never heard of them
Akume: Me either.
Akume: Which is why I'm wondering why I'm on their writing buddies list, when I spent all of a month and a half in Oregon one summer.
Challon86: Huh.
Akume: I don't exactly keep in touch with anyone I met there, either.
Akume: And that was ... -Thinks- Like, seven years ago.
Challon86: Wow o.O Probably no one you know then
Akume: I'm curious to know why they friended me. I don't remember getting notified about it, either.
Challon86: Huh
Challon86: Ninja!friending

Akume: -Amused- Going by my own calendar for Tydor, I was born the 11th Metal of Coldsleep, which means I'm a winter baby - not Autumn - and my element would be Metal rather than Earth.
Challon86: *amused*
Challon86: WHat's mine? Or is it too complicated to figure
Akume: The 10th Solar of Seedling, which is like really early Spring.
Challon86: Hee!
Akume: Which is perfect, because the character you wanted to be cast as is already a Solar Apprentice. ^_~
Challon86: *grins*
Akume: By ethnicity, my ancestors would be from Whico, which is like Antarctica. They probably immigrated to Jociel though, which is *much* warmer. c.c;;
Akume: You'd most likely be from Grenpa, which is nothing but green valleys and forests.
Challon86: Aww! :D I like it
Akume: -Grins-
Akume: -Amused- And I already had your character as being from Grenpa. Although I had her as born in Greenrain, which is late Spring. -Fixes-
Challon86: :D
Akume: Clearly I made her in your image. ^_~

Akume: -Amused- Well, I finally made my characters start talking. Or fighting, rather.
Akume: -Pokes at them-
phantom_blue: Woot!
phantom_blue: Are they doing anything?
Akume: They're glaring at each other and shouting about whether or not Ela'ric should have tried to heal her, or if K'lassa should have just told him that she was on her period.
Akume: Meanwhile, there's a talking unicorn in the fire who's sort of staring and wondering how to remove himself from this situation.
Akume: It's fun to make up curses in languages that don't exist. :D

5202 Words! My characters are almost-not-exactly speaking to each other! WHOO!

-Waits for inspiration to die a flaming death-

*ETA: Apparently Akume Epically Fails at identifying people. Sorry Ary! ;_; I promise I still love and adore you! ♥

nanowrimo, quotes, phoenix family

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