Apparently Starandrea was on to something ...

Nov 15, 2010 03:22

Akume: -Amused- The more I write Ela'ric, the harder it is for me to take him seriously.

My original plan around midnight was that staring at my NaNo was making me sleepy, so I should go to bed. Instead I made myself a new NaNo-appropriate desktop. And now I'm writing again.

3730 Words! Whoot! -Dances-

Also my Yahoo Horoscope for today, which makes me grin lots:

Scorpio: An artist doesn't have to wait until all the paint dries to see how a painting is going to look, so today, when the writing is on the wall, follow its instructions. When you get a good idea about where something is headed, take the leap and make your boldest move. If you wait for every little detail to be confirmed, you may fall behind or even worse -- you may miss the boat completely. Take a risk and act on a hunch. You won't be disappointed by the outcome.

-Goes back to sitting in the dark torturing characters with awkward conversations about feminine issues-

ETA: Anyone who replies to this post to tell me how much closer they are to 50,000 words will get my sad face and declared a meanie. Let me have my moment.

writing, nanowrimo, horoscope, mages of tydor

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