30 Days of PR Meme Day 24

Nov 12, 2010 23:40

Been poking at my NaNo again tonight. Mostly because purplestripe66 brought me coffee, and then I discovered beautiful song I am in love with. ♥ Also started burning a candle, which helps for some reason. -Shrugs-

image Click to view

This isn't the actual artist; the person who posted it altered the woman's voice to make it sound like a man singing. But OMG. LOVE. ♥

Knee is getting better. I can officially walk on it and bend it now, as long as I'm careful. Peeling scab is itchy, though. -Tries not to scratch- I definitely have a most likely permanent dent across my knee cap, though. -_-;;

Technically snagged from prgirlsrock, but I've been eyeing it since TheSecondBatgirl started it.

1-How did you get into PR?
2-Favorite season
3-Favorite Team
4-Favorite Male Ranger
5-Favorite Female Ranger
6-Favorite sixth Ranger
7-Favorite Color Ranger
8-Favorite formerly evil Ranger
9-Favorite Villain
10-Favorite redeemed villain
11-Favorite villain henchmen
12-Favorite villain sidekick
13-Favorite Monster of the Week
14-Favorite Mentor
15-Favorite Support Staff
16-Favorite Supporting character
17-Favorite Couple (canon)
18-Favorite Couple (Fanon)

19-Favorite friendship
20-Favorite Teamup
21-Favorite HQ
22-Favorite Earth Location
23-Favorite non-Earth location
24-Favorite Zord
25-Favorite Uniforms
26-Favorite morph call/sequence
27-Favorite Morpher
28-Favorite under a spell
29-Favorite storyarc/episode
30-Favorite finale

24-Favorite Zord
1) Dragonzord. Not only is it summoned through *music* - which only one other Zord has ever done - but it's both self-sufficent when attacking *and* can combine with other Zords. And that's just awesome. It's probably one of the most versitile Zords the Rangers had when you think about it.

2) The movie version of the Ninja Zords. Dude, Frog Zord's tongue-whip attack? -Cracks up- That was both hilarious *and* awesome. And Wolf Zord with the jaws of doom! Okay, so the others didn't really do anything awesome, but you have to admit, a megazord that has an option to knee the enemy in the crotch? AWESOME.

Stupid, but awesome. ^_^

3) The Wild Zords, surprisingly. Watching the animation for them, and the way they fit together and change formations? I was *so* excited for their season! ... And then it was crack, and I couldn't stand it. -Sighs- Wild Force may be the first season where I didn't want to fast forward through the Zord battles.

4) The Dino Zords from Dino Thunder, but really just the video game version. I have the Power Rangers Dino Thunder game for PS2, which is both obnoxious and incredibly fun. They have separate attacks, and it gives an inside to how they might possibly operate in the series if they ever tried to work separately. PteraZord is totally my favorite, even if it's weird trying to make sure it keeps flying at first. o.O

5) Series version of the Ninja Zords. They could actually attack individually and do some damage. Not all Zords do that.

* ETA: Does anyone know how to reset Winamp to default settings? I managed to somehow hide my play/stop/pause buttons, and now I can't figure out how to get them back. >.

power rangers, meme, knee problems, nanowrimo, youtube vids

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