Looks like NaNo is off to an interesting start ...

Nov 01, 2010 01:51

Challon86: Or Abie? Abbie
phantom_blue: Abie I'd say "Ay-bee"
Challon86: *giggles*
phantom_blue: Or possibly "uh-bye"
Challon86: Ahhh, not that one then *giggles*
Challon86: *pokes Akume* What do you think? Abi or Abbi?
Akume: Hey, that's how you can start your NaNo! Abigail arguing with someone about how to spell her nickname!
Challon86: *grins* You are awesome
Akume: Abi. Or Gail, just to be difficult.
Akume: -Beams-
Akume: I try!
phantom_blue: You could get a good couple thousand words out of there if you stretch it long enough
Challon86: Eh, not a fan of Gail really
Challon86: I could!

phantom_blue: *has a whole 3 sentences*
phantom.rosa: Ooh, it's midnight where you are!
Challon86: LOL
Challon86: Yes
phantom_blue: It only took me twenty minutes to catch on
phantom_blue: :p
Challon86: *grins*
Challon86: Well, she already has a sister
Challon86: And I know this isn't earth
phantom_blue: Does she have a girlfriend yet?
Challon86: Nope
phantom_blue: Kitteh?
Challon86: I think she's going to meet someone later on
Challon86: OOH! Thanks for the reminder

phantom_blue: Keyboard?
Akume: http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/287/4/0/the_sisters_twilight__by_kayleigh-d30r2qy.jpg
Akume: Vampire lesbians!
phantom_blue: Sooo... that's another vote for lesbian vampires IN SPACE, then?
Challon86: LOL
Akume: Apparently so!
phantom_blue: Yeeeah. You might be disappointed.
Akume: It's one of the Daily Deviations on DeviantArt today, 'cause they're doing a Halloween theme. Of course.
Akume: Awww ... -Pouts-
Akume: But I really like the idea of Vampire Lesbians in Space!
phantom_blue: I couldn't have guessed.

Challon86: Now I know why I never can write when chatting. I can't focus very well on either
Challon86: But I have over half a page!
Akume: Yay you!
Akume: I ... am trying to get myself into the mindset of Sandria and MoT, seeing as I have an hour and fifteen minutes to go. And eating candy, but that was a given.
phantom_blue: Go you!
Challon86: Well, I wasn't really planning to even start tonight, but Atlantica jacked up just our server right at midnight, so...why not?
Challon86: Ok, what fun powers do they have? Cause apparently that's why her sister is at her place in tears
phantom_blue: ... sexy ones?
phantom_blue: I'm going to be helpful, clearly

purplestripe66: What are we happy about?
Akume: Ice cream and having no idea where NaNo is going!
Challon86: Ice cream!
purplestripe66: YAY!

Akume: I'm also starting to realize that having two people writing sci-fi space stuff is marginally distracting to what I'm attempting to write. At some point.

purplestripe66: Rosa, any idea what you're doing yet?
phantom_blue: Besides "not lesbian vampires IN SPACE"?
phantom_blue: Not a clue

Challon86: *pokes* I need a loophole in the rules of the Academy that would let her sixteen-year-old sister attend with her.
phantom_blue: Lied about her age
Akume: She's her guardian.
phantom_blue: Tested in early
Akume: Her sister's life is at stake.
purplestripe66: She can be her sister's guardian
Akume: -Grins-
Challon86: Hmms
Akume: We's HELPFUL.

Fifty-six words so far. Another 49944 to go ...

nanowrimo, quotes, phoenix family

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