Triforia is DOOMED.

Oct 29, 2010 01:13

Akume: Love and snuggles for EVERYONE! >:D<
Challon86: >:D<
phantom_blue: >:D<
Akume: Huh. Those things are kinda creepy when they move in sync like that.
Challon86: LOL, they are
phantom_blue: *giggles* We're really the same person
Challon86: TOTALLY
Akume: -Blinks- We're Triforian?
phantom_blue: Crap. Someone was supposed to tell you
Challon86: *giggles*
Akume: -Busts up laughing-
Akume: So what's our name?
Akume: Rochasu?
phantom_blue: o.O
Challon86: LOL
Akume: Well, how the hell else would you combine our names? :P
Akume: -Ponders- So you're obviously Rochasu of Wisdom ...
Akume: -Looks at Challon- You wanna be Courage or Heart?
phantom_blue: I am? o.O
Challon86: AHaha, courage, me? Hilarious
Akume: You're the scientist.
phantom_blue: That doesn't mean I'm wise!
Akume: Why, did you wanna be Courage?
phantom_blue: You should see me in lab :P
Akume: It means you question things!
Akume: So ... you're like the Gryffindor of science? Throw yourself at a situation and see what blows up?
phantom_blue: LOL
Challon86: *cracks up*
Akume: Rochasu of Courage you are!
Akume: Challon, you are now Rochasu of Heart!
Akume: I get to be Rochasu of Wisdom.
Akume: You guys are so screwed.
Challon86: *laughs*
Challon86: We sound like a bug
Akume: -Hmms- Should we be Rochasu or Zhandrone?
Akume: Although that one makes us sound like some kind of hypnotic zombie ...
Challon86: I can't stop laughing
Akume: Zhakaros?
Akume: Somebody help me out here!
phantom.rosa: *dead*
Akume: You're making the Wisdom look stupid. That's just not cool. :(

randomness, quotes, phoenix family

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