Cataclysm (Tsukino Akume, Drama/Friendship)

Oct 18, 2010 18:44

This icon was made specifically for this chapter. And for Zhane, because he's awesome, and I can totally seeing him wear this shirt to a press conference.

And now, the chapter so many of you have been pestering me for! ^_~

Title/: Cataclysm
Author/: Tsukino Akume
Relationship/: Andros/Ashley, Zhane/Karone, mentions of Cassie/Phantom
Rating/: K+
Warnings/: emotional trauma, mentally disturbed people, depression
Disclaimer/: If I owned the Power Rangers, this universe would exist. We would have known who the Phantom Ranger was - and it *would* have been a girl because I'm weird like that - and team snuggles would be mandatory every episode. As none of that is cannon, it's safe to assume that I don't.
Summary/: When Astronema was defeated, the Astro Rangers gave up more than their Powers. Reporters, fans, and long-lost relatives are coming out of the woodwork as the team struggles to adjust to it all. Bright Skies Universe.
Theme/: #65. Sock
Author's Notes/: For hews89, for being *infinitely* helpful with questions being asked. Love to lunaria_kitty for additional assistance and holding my hand throughout writing this chapter.

She did not want to be here.

The room N.A.S.A.D.A. had provided for them wasn't large, but just big enough for fifty chairs, set in five rows with a center isle in between. A table had been set up at the front for the six of them, covered with a long white table cloth and complete with a microphone and accompanying water bottle across from each chair. They even had name cards. Color-coded name cards, with her first and last name, and the words 'Pink Ranger' just below.

~"It's just for an hour," Zhane assured them. "We cut questions after an hour, and leave. We'll teleport out if we have to."

"Why just an hour?" Ashley asked, frowning.

Zhane shuddered. "Because otherwise we'll be there all day."~

Just an hour, she reminded herself, trying not to think about Adam as Green Zeo lurking in the corner behind her. Yellow Zeo was on the other side of the room, standing just behind Ashley. The Blue Turbo Ranger stood directly between them, just behind T.J. and Andros at the center of the table. Pink and Blue Zeo were guarding the two smaller doors on each side of the room. Jason and Zack made impressive guards in Red and Black on either side of the main door, looking imposing enough that everyone seemed to be behaving.

Justin *should* have been in school, seeing as it was Wednesday. He'd shown up at literally the last minute, already morphed, and quietly asked Green Zeo were he should stand. There had been a moment where she thought Adam would protest him being there, but he'd muttered something else, and the Green Ranger deflated with an irritated sigh before directing him behind the table. Now he was standing at parade rest, lurking behind them all like a protective shadow.

Aisha hadn't been able to make it, they'd been told. She had a test today that she couldn't get out of, but she wished them good luck. Cassie didn't know if she believed it.

Trini was on the Dark - Ranger Base, and she silently cursed at the fact that she *still* couldn't remember to call it that yet. She was using the comm system to coordinate everyone, keeping in touch with all the Rangers posing as security. Karone was with her, whether to help or because Andros wanted to make sure she wouldn't sneak down to join them, she wasn't sure.

No one had mentioned why Kimberly and Tommy weren't there, and no one asked.

Zhane nudged her foot gently under the table, staring straight ahead with a strangely serious expression that didn't fit him. She kicked him back lightly, trying not to smile. He was wearing his 'Intergalactic Hero' shirt under his uniform jacket, despite the fact that only 'rgala Hero' could be seen. She still hadn't figured out if it was because he felt like being obnoxious, or if it was his way of thanking the person who'd sent it.

" - other Rangers are *not* available for questioning," she heard T.J. say as she forced herself to pay attention. "We appreciate your cooperation. Now, we'll start taking questions."

Hands shot up into the air en mass, waving frantically. A group of kids in school came to mind, and she bit the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing at the image. This was so *not* the time.

"Where did you get your powers?"

"The Astro Morphers were created on the planet Eltar and given to its colony planet, KO-35," T.J. explained. "The previous Kerova Rangers passed them down to our Red Ranger, who later gave them to Carlos, Ashley, Cassie, and myself on the recommendation of the Turbo Rangers."

Which wasn't *strictly* true, but they'd all decided it was easier than trying to explain the Power transfer without giving away any of the former Turbo Rangers' identities.

"Who are the Turbo Rangers?" another reporter pressed, looking eager as his eyes lingered over the Blue Turbo Ranger behind them. "How do you know them?"

T.J. frowned at him. "The decision to reveal our identities was something the six of us agreed to out of respect and appreciation to the citizens of Angel Grove who tried to protect us. That's not a decision the former Rangers of Earth were a part of. We're complying with their wish to keep their identities private."

"Why? Do they have something to hide?"

She heard Adam shift behind her, and figured he was fighting the urge to say something. She could picture the scowl on his face.

"I think we've all seen an example that not everyone be can trusted to know who the Power Rangers are," T.J. returned calmly. "Next question, please."

Zhane had taught him well, she admitted to herself. He looked like a natural at this. Which, considering how badly they'd all been panicking this morning, was pretty impressive.

"Have the previous Ranger Teams for Earth always been teenagers?"

T.J. blinked at the man who'd asked, clearly startled. "Excuse me?"

"Have Earth's Power Rangers always been teenagers," the man repeated. "I mean, don't you think you're a little young to be superheroes?"

Several people laughed quietly, but it was hard to say if it was at him or the question.

Cassie opened her mouth to object, trying not to flinch when Zhane stomped on her foot. She swallowed what she'd been about to say, kicking him sharply in retaliation. Down the line, she thought she heard Carlos make a pained grunt of his own.

Zhane placed a hand beside T.J.'s and leaned forward, regarding the man calmly. "Power Rangers throughout the universe come in all ages, from preteens to adults. Teenagers are generally considered to be the best age for what we do, because we have the energy, time, and physical ability to handle what it takes to be a Ranger. And age has nothing to do with experience. Saying we're 'too young' for what we do is like saying we didn't do a good enough job protecting Earth." His eyes narrowed, as if daring the man to actually say it. "As far as tradition goes, there's nothing wrong with how old we are."

The man sat down again, frowning, and Cassie resisted the urge to make a rude gesture at him.

A man seated next to one of the cameras lining the side of the room stood up, clearing his throat and straightening his tie. "My question is for Ranger Carlos. How do you feel about the claims that your recent kidnapping left you mentally unstable. Is there any truth to these accusations?"

For a moment she thought Carlos was going to yell, but he stopped, taking a slow breath, and she silently thanked Zhane again for all the coaching he'd given them. "I find those accusations offensive and honestly, rude," he said at last, staring at the man. She could tell he was still irritated, but at least he didn't look it. "No, it's not true. I was released with a clean bill of health."

Also not necessarily true, but no one was going to admit that he was having weekly sessions with a Ranger therapist over the comm.

"Where are the other Rangers?" another report asked. She had her suspicions he'd come with the man who'd already tried to ask who the Turbo Rangers were, seeing as they were sitting next to each other. "Do they disapprove of you holding this conference?"

"The decision to hold this conference was ours," T.J. informed him, looking annoyed now. "But the former Rangers have given their support and their approval by volunteering to help with security. The other Rangers were unable to make it today. They have lives of their own to worry about. Next question."

"Why have there been so many different Power Ranger teams seen on Earth in the last five years?" someone in the back called.

"Earth has been attacked by multiple villains in those five years. Each team was chosen specifically to fight that villain," he answered. "New topic, please."

She was mildly impressed. If she hadn't known otherwise, she probably would have believed him.

"Is it true that the Pink and Silver Rangers are a couple?" a woman asked, looking hopeful.

She tensed, fighting the urge to snap, and felt Zhane nudge her ankle again, gently this time. She was tempted to tell him that playing footsie under the table where no one could see probably wasn't helping their image.

"No, it's not," T.J. answered for her, shaking his head. "They're just good friends. Next, please."

"What happened to the ship that was seen landing in Angel Grove?"

"The Dark Fortress was surrendered to our forces on Earth. It's currently being used as a base of operations by the former Rangers to coordinate efforts to rebuild the damage done in the attack."

Cassie took a sip of her water, fighting a smirk and trying not to look at him. That answer *had* to have come from Andros. It was way too wordy for T.J.

"Yes, in the corner."

"Why did you become a Ranger?"

She blinked, glancing down the line at the others. Ashley looked just as startled by the question as she was. Carlos seemed uncomfortable, while Andros and T.J. remained expressionless. Zhane just looked amused, but that wasn't new for Zhane.

"I guess I've always dreamed of being a hero," T.J. confessed, looking faintly sheepish. "When the opportunity was offered, I took it."

There was a pause.

"I wanted to help people," Ashley spoke up, shrugging slightly. She looked embarrassed, too.

"Someone was asking me to save the world," Carlos said, shaking his head with an amused smile. "*Me*. What was I gonna say? No?"

There was a rumble of appreciative laughter.

Cassie hesitated, finally leaning forward into her own mike to be heard. "I guess ..." She glanced down at it, feeling kind of embarrassed herself. *This* was why she didn't want to answer any questions. "I accepted my morpher so I could become someone my family could be proud of."

"Zhane wouldn't allow me to say no."

She blinked, turning to shoot an incredulous look at Andros. He looked perfectly serious, despite the fact that the audience was laughing again.

Zhane grinned beside her, nodding. "It's true. I wouldn't," he agreed. The grin faded, and he shrugged, looking solemn. "As for me, I was raised by the Kerova Rangers. I could never imagine not following in my family's footsteps."

"What do you plan to do with your lives now that the world knows who you are?" someone called.

They exchanged looks again. "I guess we've all been so busy worrying about organizing the clean up and the aftermath of Dark Spectre's attack, there hasn't been a chance to think about it," T.J. admitted with a shug. "For me ... I really don't know. The last - year of our lives have been dedicated to being Rangers," he added, and she noticed the way he caught himself from saying before admitting they'd really been Rangers for almost a year and a half. He shrugged again. "Honestly? I'll probably finish high school and see from there."

She nodded her agreement along with Carlos and Ashley, even as part of her though of her family. She hadn't forgotten her promise to her mom to go home once things had settled.

"Maybe college," Ashley offered. "It's really hard to say right now. I think more than anything, we're all just trying to catch our breath from all the fighting."

A man she thought looked slightly familiar raised his hand. Maybe he was from a local station? "Where was the Silver Ranger before he showed up on Earth, and why wasn't he always with the team?"

T.J. looked at Zhane, who stiffened. She barely managed to stop herself from squeezing his shoulder, nudging his foot gently instead. Down the line she could see Ashley biting her lip, while Andros looked like he wanted to dodge the question entirely.

Zhane took a deep breath and leaned forward. "I was in a coma," he said at last. There were several startled expressions, and she hooked her ankle around his since she couldn't hold his hand. "When KO-35 was attacked, I almost lost my life. I'm here today thanks to a cryogenic stasis tube, and the fact that my best friend wouldn't give up on me." He glanced over at Andros, leaving no question of who he was talking about. "As for why I haven't always been seen with the rest of the team, well. Earth wasn't the only planet that's been under attack. We've been doing what we can to divide our forces." He shrugged a shoulder. "Sometimes that's not enough."

There was an awkward silence.

T.J. cleared his throat, nodding to someone in the front row. "Yes?"

The woman stood up, her eyes immediately zeroing in on Andros. "How do the Red Ranger and Astronema know each other?"

Andros paused, and for a moment she was afraid he wouldn't answer. "I fought against Astronema for two years after KO-35 fell to Dark Spectre, the leader of the United Alliance of Evil. Astronema was one of his servants until she defected to the side of light. As punishment, Dark Specter kidnapped and brainwashed her to force her to serve him again."

He was playing up the fact that Karone hadn't *wanted* to be evil, Cassie noticed, eyeing the crowd again. She wondered if Karone would appreciate the gesture, or just kick his butt when they went back to the Megaship. She was leaning toward butt-kicking, but Karone was nothing if not unpredictable.

T.J. pointed to another person as Andros fell silent. "Yes, you in the back."

"What happened to her?" the man asked, frowning. "The video footage of her being carried out of the ship - "

"She was purified," T.J. interrupted. "By the Golden Wave. She's no longer evil. Next question."

"What *was* the Golden Wave?"

He paused, and for a moment she wondered if he was going to defer to someone else to explain. When he spoke, his voice was soft enough that the shuffling noises people had been making fell silent to hear him better. "There's a great sage known through the universe. He spent thousands of years fighting against the forces of evil, even after he was trapped in an interdimensional energy tube. He imprisoned the sorceress Rita Repulsa. He mentored dozens of Ranger teams. He was the one to chose the five Rangers who appeared in Angel Grove in 1993, and all of the Rangers following until our team was chosen."

He paused to take a drink, clearing his throat again. The room remained deathly silent. "Dark Spectre had him captive on the Dark Fortress, the ship that attacked Angel Grove, and was draining his energy. The forces of evil had teamed up against our allies in space. They were winning.

"So this man made the ultimate sacrifice. He chose to have his energy tube, the one thing that was keeping him alive, shattered. The golden wave you saw was his life force, the purest force of good in our universe. It stopped Dark Spectre's minions in their tracks, purifed anyone who'd regretted what they'd done under his unfluence."

It was a blatant lie; they still didn't know why Rita Repulsa, Lord Zedd, Divatox, and Karone had been saved. But everyone was too caught up in T.J.'s story to care.

"He saved us all," he continued, looking solemn. "We owe him our lives. We owe him our homes. Without him, none of us would be here today."


She reached for her water, taking another drink as she wondered what the former Rangers thought of that. No one on her team hated Zordon; if anything, they regretted that they hadn't been able to save him. But the Formers had all been too busy being angry at them for not caring enough that he was dead to listen.

"How do you know they were purified?" someone spoke up.

T.J. blinked, leaning forward with a frown. "Excuse me?"

"How do you know those villains are good now?" the man persisted. "What proof do you have?"

Carlos moved to stand, glaring. "How dare - "

He stopped as Ashley caught his arm, dragging him back into his seat and leaning forward to speak in his place. "We know that they're good, because a villain wouldn't regret what they'd done in the past," she informed everyone, looking directly at the man who'd asked. "A villain wouldn't cry over someone who didn't survive the attack on Earth. A villain wouldn't care. They wouldn't be fighting to make up for what they've done. They woudn't be our friends."

She stopped, closing her eyes for a moment as she seemed to reign herself in. "I can't speak for Rita, Zedd, or Divatox," she admitted. "They didn't stay on Earth. All I know is what we've been told about what they're doing from other Ranger teams who are looking out for them. But as for Astronema, I can personally guarantee that she *is* a good person. She made mistakes because of something that wasn't her fault, and no one," She stopped, voice cracking, shaking her head as Carlos squeezed her hand supportively. "*No one*," she repeated firmly, "Regrets what's happened more than she does. The attack on Earth was *not* her fault."

"Then who's fault was it?" someone asked. Cassie was too busy looking at Ashley to notice who'd said it; Ash still looked like she was trying not to cry.

"Dark Spectre," Andros spoke up, startling them all. There was a dark look on his face as he glared at the table. "Dark Spectre is the one who caused all of this."

"Who is Dark Spectre?" another person pressed.

T.J. cleared his throat, and Andros started slightly. Cassie had a feeling she wasn't the only one who kept getting kicked under the table. "Dark Spectre was the leader of the force known as the Alliance of Evil," T.J. answered. "He was destroyed by one of his own minions in the final battle."

He glanced at the clock on the wall briefly before offering a smile. "We're almost out of time today, but we can squeeze in a couple more questions," he offered.

Finally, she groaned silently. Zhane nudged her foot again, and she kicked him back lightly. They were both going to be limping tomorrow at this rate.

"Yes, you."

"How do you feel about being responsible for so many deaths when you use your giant robots?"

The room went still.

" ... Excuse me?" T.J. asked slowly.

The man in the front row stood up, staring at them all with an expression that bordered on a glare. "It's a well-known fact that every time those giant robots appear, you cause thousands of dollars in damage to the city of Angel Grove. And yet, because you're the 'Power Rangers', you're not liable for it. What do you have to say to the people who have lost their jobs or their homes due to your fighting?"

Cassie gaped at him. She felt Zhane reach out to grip her shoulder, holding her in place.

"The first rule of being a Power Ranger is to never escalate a battle," T.J. said at last, and by the sound of his voice he was struggling to stay calm. "We have *never* attacked first. We only defend the city to the best of our ability. Unfortunately, we can't always control where the battle is, or where someone falls. We regret that we can't do anything more, but our priority is to defend Earth. We can't stop the battles from happening at all."

The man folded his arms. "So what you're saying is that it's too bad, but you won't do anything to help."

"That is *not* what I'm saying," T.J. snapped. He stopped, taking a breath. "I'm saying that we don't control where the battles take place. We're still in high school, and none of us have any way to help pay for what damage is done in an attack. We can't help with the clean up, so we do the best we can to make sure the battles don't get any worse."

"How do you know you're even helping?" the man persisted. "You've already admitted you're harboring Astronema, who is a *known* criminal. What authority do you have to do these things? Who made you above the law?"

"How dare you?!" Cassie shouted, surging to her feet. She felt Zhane struggling to pull her back down and jerked her arm free, glaring furiously at the man across from her. "Astronema is as much of a victim as anyone, if not *more*! And we've never claimed to be above the law! What right do you have to accuse us, when *we're* the ones putting our lives on the line for you!"

She took a deep breath, struggling to get herself back under control. She swore at herself silently. What was *wrong* with her lately? She hadn't lost her temper this badly in *years*.

"And *this* would be why kids shouldn't be superheroes," the man sighed with annoyance.

She didn't really remember the conscious decision to move forward. She thought there had been someone's hand on her arm at some point, maybe even someone else trying to grab her shoulders, but she threw them both off, vaulting over the table. "You - you *jerk*!" she snarled at the reporter, drawing back her fist.

Bone gave way beneath her hand, someone's arms closed around her, dragging her away, and the sparkling pink lights of teleportation filled her vision, leaving the room behind.

fanfiction, cataclysm, icons

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