This was suprisingly harder to write than it should have been. -Frowns- I don't like that.
I have also come to the conclusion that there are not enough father/son vids in this fandom, and most of the father/daughter ones are about growing up or general angst. What about good old fashioned father/son bonding? We need more of those.
Bright Skies: Fixed )
Comments 7
I love this one. Bonding moments are fun! ^^
Yes, they are. Difficult to write, but fun to read. ^_^
Love! ♥
Out of the mouths of babes, huh? Even Sky knows better than his father.
D'aww! ::Blushes and beams:: ♥
Ok now ::Reads::
"You don' halfta tell me if it hurts"
That line was so adorably cute it brought tears to my eyes.
::Snickers at the line Rosa offered:: And I totally loved Sky's reply! :P
::Giggles:: Ok, that was too sweet, I'm nearly in tears at the father/son bonding. I loves this fic so much. ^^
The idea that I made you happy with the father/son bonding makes *me* totally happy. So thank you. 'Cause that makes my day. ^_^
Love! ♥
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