So Challon doesn't have to listen to me fangirling anymore ...

Sep 27, 2010 17:31

I am entirely too amused by this picture.

See, I am a Gundam Wing fan. It's the second anime I ever watched, which got me into the anime genre in general, and eventually fanfiction, fandom, and all the way back into the Power Rangers fandom I love and adore today. -Pauses to snuggle PR Fandom- And others. But anyway.

The Gundam Wing fandom is mostly divided into two sections: the yaoi fandom, and the non-yaoi fandom. (Yaoi, for the uninitiated, is the Japanese/anime word for slash. Seme means 'top' or 'pitcher', and uke means 'bottom' or 'catcher'.) There are of course, people down the middle who play both sides, but on the whole most of us are one or the other. I myself started out as a non-yaoi fan, but was converted to a firm yaoi fan.

I know, I know. Hard to believe I didn't always adore slash. But coincidentally, it was Gundam Wing and the adorableness of Trowa and Quatre (3x4) that convinced me.

Now Gundam Wing is *actually* supposed to be a Mecha Anime, which means it's all about the giant robots. But since this series is to full of pretty boys, it's also brought in fans who usually go for the Boy's Love anime genre. Which has lead into the fiercest debate I have ever seen on *any* show, about who is paired with who.

The picture makes me laugh because it's pointing out that while Gundam Wing isn't actually Boy's Love, a great portion of the fandom has them all jumping into bed together at some point. Which is actually true. On both counts.

*For the record, I am officially a fan of 1x2 (Heero and Duo), and 3x4. As for Wufei, I have trouble picturing him with anyone but Meiran unfortunately.

I personally cannot *stand* Relena, Hilde's okay but I have trouble seeing her and Duo in lasting relationship (and he and Heero have *way* more chemistry), Catherine is Trowa's sister both figuratively and literally, Dorothy is insane (and I'm sorry, but stabbing someone and putting them in the hospital is not another way to say 'I love you'), and Sally's nice and all, but ... I don't know. I can't see her and Wufei.

I read other pairings, but in general, I'm all for the 'standard' 1x2, 3x4. Especially 3x4, seeing as they converted me to yaoi.

gundam wing

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