Note to Self: Need More Justin Icons ...

Sep 18, 2010 16:12

After spending last night reading SeaQuest fic, I have come to the conclusion that one of the deadliest combinations in the world would be Justin Stewart of Power Rangers Turbo, Alan Tracy of Thunderbirds (movie version, of course), and Lucas Wolenczak of SeaQuest.

Think about it. Justin is a genius, good with mechanics, and has a sentient jeep. Not including his morpher, obviously. Alan maybe a trouble-making smartass, but he's also got leadership and piloting skills, also good with mechanics, and dude, he learns to pilot *three* - four if you count the Thunderizer - giant machines in like, five minutes. Clearly he has brains as well. Lucas is a teenage genius and computer hacker/scientist who makes dolphins talk. The three of them could totally take over the world.

I have no idea if I'll ever do anything with this train of thought (appealing as it is), but I had to share it. Because it's both entertaining and pleasantly frightening. 'Cause in their world, teenagers could drive (and pilot), pizza would be a major food group, computer hackers would be gods, and dolphins would be sacred.

-Pauses to ponder more- They'd probably be friends with Doogie Howser too, so they could have a doctor in case of emergency.

-Wanders back to the SeaQuest fandom-

randomness, power rangers turbo, seaquest, thunderbirds, justin

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