Aw, *man* ...

Sep 13, 2010 16:43

Akume: So, I shouldn't have read the awesome Supernatural fic last night, apparently. Or it's semi-sequel, which is what I'm reading now.
Challon86: *snickers* Why not?
Akume: Because what was originally a CollegeZhane random crack one-shot, is now turning into something completely different and dark and entirely not-funny but totally awesome.
Challon86: *grins*
Akume: So far it involves an inter-galactic college in space, random characters, and cloning.
Challon86: Soon you're going to have a whole epic plot! ^_~
Akume: I have the feeling I should be stopped before this gets completely out of hand, but I'm sort of fascinated at the same time.
Akume: Don't encouage me! O.O
Akume: Encourage, even!
Challon86: *pokes at it more* But I wanna see the outcome...
Akume: I don't know the outcome!
Challon86: I know
Akume: I've got some random idea of a space college that's actually a habitat for clones of Rangers, and that's it!
Challon86: I LIKE THIS

-Sighs- So, apparently new project is changing. Which means now I need ideas of Rangers who would *logically* be considered the strongest, and possible subjects for clones. And an idea of what to do with this story, besides people going 'OMG I'M A CLONE!'

-Pokes Friends List hopefully- Any thoughts, suggestions? Co-conspirators?

*ETA: For the curious Supernatural fans (especially those who love either ParentalDean/Sam or MiniDean/Sam), the stories I've been reading are The Wellspring, and it's semi-sequel, Lacrimosa. I heartily recomment them both, because they are AWESOME.

power rangers, fanfiction, quotes, crossovers, phoenix family, supernatural

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