Rosa, you know me so well ...

Aug 29, 2010 22:52

phantom_blue: You should watch RPM You'd love it.
Challon86: You would!
phantom_blue: And it's kinda like fandom put their collective heads together and came up with K's backstory. Seriously, IT IS THAT BAD.
Challon86: Ahahaha, the acting class
phantom_blue: Ohh, he acted in something with her brother.
Challon86: Ohhh
Akume: I'm going to watch RPM.
Akume: Eventually.
Akume: After I finish something. I don't care if it's Bright Skies, ADSoR, or Darkness Calling, but SOMETHING HAS TO DIE before all the new Plotbunnies swarm me.
Akume: And Bright Skies keeps getting *SO CLOSE* to being completely finished it's making me twitchy. >.<++
phantom_blue: *grins* Maybe it's a good thing. RPM has enough dead people without your help.

* For the record, no, I'm not holding out until Cataclysm is finished. That's just pointless. -Eyes fic notes-

power rangers, writing, fanfiction, bright skies, phoenix family, a darker shade of red

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