Bright Skies (Multi - Season Crossover/Power Rangers, prompt #100: Writer's Choice: Sleepless, T)

Aug 19, 2010 05:39

So, in my three month absence, I started going through old stories in hopes of getting inspired. While going through said stories, I discovered why I've been so unhappy with Bright Skies. Even better, I come up with a plan for how to fix this.

Unfortunately, this means yanking two - technically three - chapters from Bright Skies, turning one into a one-shot side fic, and using the other two as part of a A Darker Shade of Red/Bright Skies crossover mini-series. But! By doing so, I have managed to plot the replacement chapters, and even better, the *ending*.

This is one of the new chapters I wrote while I was gone. Because I so love to confuse all my readers, this one actually takes place between Resistance is Futile and Against All Odds. For anyone who's *totally* lost, just check out the link chart.

Author/: Tsukino Akume
Fandom/: Power Rangers Time Force moving into S.P.D., multiple Rangers from each season
Characters/: Wes (Time Force), multiple Rangers from other teams (Literally too many to list)
Pairings/: Wes/Eric, R.J./O.C., Rocky/Adam, Zack/Aisha, T.J./O.C., Justin/Rose, Carter/Ryan, Shane/Dustin, Hunter/Cam, Andros/Ashley, Zhane/Karone, Carlos/Ronny, Jason/Taylor, Tommy/Kimberly, Tyzonn/Mack, Cassie/OC, Z/Syd, Jack/Charlie, Sky/Bridge, and probably some others I'm forgetting.
prompt/: #100: Writer's Choice: Sleepless
Rating/: T (For non - graphic mentions of people having babies and being violent with one another)
Disclaimer/: I don't own the Power Rangers, but if Disney's hiring any new writers I volunteer.
Summary/: When Wes' life starts to fall apart, an accident gives him a chance at a fresh start in New Tech City, with Space Patrol Delta. But even a new life has its ups and downs - and weird friends. Meanwhile, Eric tries to move on.
Warnings/: A mentally handicapped person living in a medical facility, angst, male and female slash, non-cemented couples (In otherwords, pairings that will be separated), children created by scientific means, character death
Author's Notes/: This chapter was inspired by watching the StarTrek 2009 movie for the umpteenth time. In the midst of giggling hysterically over the 'You call this a favor?' incident, this came to me (Hence the rather obvious reference.) In my personal fannon, I attempt to make sense of the horrible Wormhole episode by saying it happened the same day as Insomnia. This is also my attempt to make the connection in this story.

The ‘Month of Doom’ is a personal joke that will eventually be explained, but most likely not in this story. If you’re really desperately curious, ask me and I’ll explain it, but it’s not really that funny.

Love to challon86 for beta! ♥

He knew he shouldn't be doing this, but he couldn't help himself. He'd lost so much time already. Paperwork had been piling up on his desk for days, both of his squads had been ignored, and none of the scheduling he'd been supposed to do for H Squad had gotten done. He wouldn't be able to sleep until he knew he'd accomplished *something* tonight.

"You know, most people who are recovering from the Litharian Flu stay in bed."

Wes didn't look up. "Most people who had the Litharian Flu don't have work to do."

There was a sigh, and the chair on the other side of his desk was pulled out. "You know if Eric or Vanessa find you in here, they'll drag you back to medbay in handcuffs and have you tied to the bed," she informed him. "And don't even get me started on Aisha."

She was right, but he still wasn't moving. "I have work to do," he repeated, finishing off a report and adding it to his outbox.

There was a long moment of silence.

"Why are you still up, anyway?" he asked distractedly, frowning at a supply request he should have dealt with days ago. "It's almost midnight."

"I can't sleep when one of my friends is mad at me."

That made him look up. "I'm not mad at you, Kim."

She looked at him contemplatively, leaning forward to place her chin on folded hands, elbows resting against the edge of his desk. Her eyes seemed sad. "Really?" she asked skeptically. "I wouldn't blame you."

He sighed. "Okay, so I am upset," he admitted reluctantly. "But I'm working through it." He let out a long breath. "I'm trying to work through it," he muttered, scowling at the stack of paperwork.

Another pause.

"I wouldn't have sent you even if you weren't sick, you know," Kimberly said softly.

He looked up again, frowning. "What? Why?"

She sighed quietly. "Do you remember when Conner, Ethan, and Kira were brought forward to this time, and I let Rhythm talk to them even though Cruger tried to stop him?" she asked finally.

He nodded warily.

"It was because I knew something that Cruger didn't." She paused, seeming to search for words for a moment before looking down up at him. "The security camera on the shuttles showed Cruger erasing the memories of Conner, Ethan, Kira, Trent, B Squad, and himself. Who wasn't there?"

He blinked for a moment. "Tommy," he realized, eyes widening. "He didn't erase Tommy's memories. Or Sam. He was still on the ship, setting the coordinates to take them home."

She smiled faintly, but her eyes were still solemn as she nodded. "I'm not quite sure why he didn't erase Sam's. It may have something to do with Sam being a time traveler anyway. It's not like I can really ask him now," she huffed, and he tried not to smile. "But Tommy wasn't there. He'd gone back to the Dino Cave because he couldn't take the chance of being seen around the others while in morph. So his memories of that day were never erased."

"And he told you," Wes said slowly.

She nodded again. "He wanted me to know just in case he wasn't here to make sure they went back." She hesitated. "And ... I think just because he wanted someone else to know about it. Most of Reefside remembers the ship, but the only other person who knew that the S.P.D. Rangers had ever been there was Hayley."

"Must have been lonely," he said softly, thinking of his own trouble with things other people couldn't remember or didn't know.

She reached across the table to take his hand in both of hers, making him focus on her again. "I know you and Eric know the most about time travel," she went on, her expression earnest. "And if I'd had any choice, I would have sent the both of you and Justin. But I had to make sure it was B Squad. I wish I could have done it another way, but I couldn't."

"Because there are some things you just can't change," he murmured, heart aching. He forced himself to look back at her and tried to smile. "I understand, Kim. Really. And I'm not mad. Not really. It's just ... "

"The meteor mission all over again?" she suggested softly. Her face was far more understanding than she had any right to be.

He swallowed hard, blinking rapidly for a moment. "I ... I know Sky is an incredible Ranger," he said quietly. "They all are. And I couldn't be more proud of them. But ... " He swallowed again, and his eyes burned. "He's my son," he whispered, voice cracking. "And he's the only one I have left. Watching him fight is hard enough as it is. Seeing him sent off on missions he might not come back from ... "

Kimberly was in front of him before he'd even realized she'd moved, kneeling down in front of him and wrapping her arms around him tightly. "I know," she murmured back. "I wish I didn't. Sky isn't Hawk so it can't be exactly the same, but he's still my nephew just as much as Bridge and any of the others, and it's torture every time I have to send them out to fight. There are so many times I want to just ... lock them all up in a closet somewhere to keep them safe!"

He smiled despite himself, even as he tried to hold in the tears he was so close to shedding. "Bridge would hack the lock," he muttered. "You know he would."

"I'd take away his tools first. Give me some credit."

He chuckled quietly, pulling away after another moment and wiping at his eyes. "It seems kind of silly," he admitted, looking at his paperwork again. "To be so upset over this when nothing really happened."

"Sometimes the possibilities are worse than the reality," Kimberly said softly. "It's the possibilities that keep you awake at night."

He glanced back at her. "The voice of experience?"

She smiled humorlessly. "I've been a Ranger for thirty-five years, Wes. I've lost more sleep than most people lose in their entire lifetime."

"Even when you weren't active?"

Her expression darkened a little. "Especially when I wasn't active," she whispered, eyes haunted.

He reached out to squeeze her hand without thinking. "We need hot chocolate," he declared.

Kimberly blinked after a moment, at last managing a slight smile. "I thought you weren't supposed to be allowed sweets while you're recovering," she reminded him.

He gave her an innocent grin and winked. "I won't tell if you won't."


Wes yawned as they wandered down the hall toward the squad common room. The officer's common room was technically closer, but their synthetron had been on the fritz for weeks, and Wes wasn't in the mood to attempt to scrounge up the materials to make his hot chocolate from scratch again. Besides, Nes had threatened to skin him alive if he used the Bunsen burners in the tech department to boil water again.

"Finally getting tired?" Kimberly asked, glancing at him.

He shrugged. "Worn out more than anything," he admitted reluctantly. "My body wants to rest, but every time I lay down I think about all the things I should be doing instead."

"Workaholic," she teased.

"Hypocrite," he shot back with a grin. With all the stress of the last three months, he'd forgotten how much fun hanging around Kimberly could be. She had a way of cheering people up that was contagious.

A sudden voice caught his attention as they neared the door to the common room, which was oddly open. "I guess we all let Cruger down in our own way."

Wes frowned at Jack's words, even as Sky sighed and added "Yeah. You're probably right."

"How could you possibly have let anyone down, let alone Cruger?" he asked with a frown, glancing around the room as they entered. He was only mildly surprised to see most of B Squad, minus Sam, sitting around in their p.j.s looking upset.

"And what in the world are you all doing up at this hour?" Kimberly put in, hands on her hips as she glared at them all in disapproval.

"That's a little hypocritical, don't you think?" Z pointed out, raising her eyebrows.

Sky was frowning. "Aren't you supposed to be in bed, Sir?"

Wes shrugged lightly, rolling his eyes at the title. Even if they weren't on duty, Sky couldn't bring himself to say 'dad' when he was at S.P.D. "Couldn't sleep, so I was catching up on paperwork. Kim came to pester me."

She rolled her eyes, shoving him lightly in the shoulder. "Uh huh. You know how I just live to make other people miserable," she said dryly.

Wes grinned at her and headed for the synthetron. "As to why we're *here*, the synthetron in the officer's common is down again, and I wanted some hot chocolate."

Sky intercepted him with a scowl. "You're not allowed to have sweets right now," he lectured, moving to select a drink. "It counteracts the vaccine Dr. Carson gave you."

Wes eyed his son suspiciously as he was handed a mug of tea instead. "Did Eric enlist you behind my back again?"

"It wasn't behind your back, we were standing right in front of you," Sky retorted. "It's not my fault you were asleep at the time. And you're supposed to be resting."

Wes rolled his eyes again as Sky pushed him gently down on one of the couches. "I'm hardly even sick anymore," he complained. "You guys don't need to keep fussing over me."

Sky looked indignant. "I'm not fussing," he sniffed.

"Technically Uncle Wes, the Litharian Flu is supposed to take two to three weeks to completely recover from," Bridge told him with an apologetic look. "You've only been sick for a week now."

"How'd you get the Litharian Flu, anyway?" Syd asked, frowning.

"Yeah, isn't that supposed to be one of those weird space diseases that are really hard to catch?" Jack put in.

Wes scowled down at his tea. "It comes from a bug in the Tal System, but it spreads really fast if you catch it. S.P.D. uses a vaccine to inoculate everyone against it. That's what they were injecting everyone with last week."

Z gave him an odd look. "So ... if you got the vaccine, then why - ?"

"Turns out some people have an allergic reaction to the vaccine that makes them get the flu anyway," he muttered darkly. "Guess who gets to be one in six hundred and fifty-three?"

Z winced. "Ouch."

Kimberly sat down next to him, patting his shoulder. "Fortunately while *Wes* is going to be suffering, he won't be able to give it to any of us. He's just too stubborn to stay in the medlab and rest," she added, giving him a playful glare.

"How does it spread?" Syd cocked her head curiously.

Wes gulped down his tea to avoid answering, while Kimberly coughed. "Through, um. Intercourse."

There was an awkward silence.

"Oh," Syd said softly.

"Poor Uncle Eric," Bridge murmured.

"So why aren't you in bed, Dad?" Sky cut in loudly, staring at the wall across from him. Jack glanced at him, amused, and Z was clearly fighting a grin at his obvious discomfort.

"I was working on paperwork because I can't sleep," Wes told him, grateful for the change of subject even if he'd already told them. "Kim kidnapped me and said I could have hot chocolate." He frowned down at the mug of tea.

"Oh, I did not!" Kimberly exclaimed, glaring at him. "You are *not* blaming this on me when Aisha finds out!"

Jack, Z, and Syd snickered, while Bridge smiled absently at the mention of his mother.

Wes took another drink, glancing around at the cadets as he pointedly ignored her. "So, what are all of you doing up?"

Another moment of silence.

"Couldn't sleep," Jack said at last, his tone oddly short.

Kimberly gave him a curious look, smiling up at Sky when he offered her a steaming mug of hot chocolate. "Thank you, Sky. Why can't you sleep?" she added, disregarding the glare Wes gave both her and his son. "It's not November yet."

" ... November?" Z asked warily, frowning. "What's wrong with November?"

"November is the Month of Doom. I'm sure you'll find out why," she added lowly, glaring at her chocolate.

Wes made a face in agreement.

"Um ... I don't know about anything to do with November, seeing as this is October and not November ... At least not yet ... " Bridge said slowly. "But ... well." He hesitated.

Wes frowned, setting his tea down on the coffee table. "What is it, Bridge?" he asked gently.

Bridge shifted uncomfortably. "Well, you see, none of us could sleep? And we were all sort of thinking about something we heard the commander say earlier, and how it pertains to each of us. Or doesn't pertain, as it were." He frowned.

Wes waited patiently. When Bridge didn't continue, he looked around at the rest of them, raising his eyebrows as he waited for someone to explain.

Eventually Sky sighed. "We overheard Cruger talking to Kat earlier by accident. Cruger said that he wondered if A Squad was still here, we'd have defeated Grumm already."

Wes blinked.

"Of course you would have," he said finally, looking around at them again in confusion. "With twelve Rangers, there's no question about it."

They all looked back at him, clearly startled. "I uh, I don't think that was quite what the commander meant, Sir," Jack said after a pause.

"You mean you think he meant if we had A Squad and not B Squad fighting Grumm?" Kimberly asked shrewdly. She shook her head as more than one of them looked away guiltily. "Guys," she said gently. "Even if A Squad was still here, you still would have gotten your morphers. Maybe some of the battles would have gone differently, but you'd still be Rangers. You were all promoted *before* we knew they were missing. That had nothing to do with any of you."

"What about me and Jack?" Z asked softly. "Would you still have made us Rangers if they were here, even though we weren't S.P.D.?"

"Yes," Wes said firmly. "Because you were meant to be Rangers. We've always known that. One way or another, you still would have found your way here. Maybe it would have been sooner, maybe it would have been later. But you'd still be here."

Z looked up at him. Her eyes were a little too bright. "So does that mean I'm a Ranger because I deserve it, or because of who my parents are?"

Wes was on his feet before he was consciously aware of doing it. He ignored the immediate wave of dizziness that swept over him, going to take Z's hands just as Kimberly had done for him barely half an hour before. "Z. You *deserve* to be a Ranger," he promised. "You've proven yourself from the very first moment you joined S.P.D. The fact that you joined at all was proof. You've earned everything you have here all on your own. No one handed it to you. Yes, it was a possibility that you'd be chosen because of Justin and Rose. It was a possibility for all of you. But that's not why we gave you the morphers."

"We gave them to you because you're the best of the best," Kimberly said softly, looking over each of them. "Because you have what it takes. Grumm may not be gone, but Earth is still safe. All of you are still here. That's what matters. And I'm proud of all of you for everything you've managed to do so far."

"We all are," Wes agreed, smiling at Z as she finally managed a teary smile back.

There was a moment of silence, although the atmosphere of the room felt considerably lighter. At last Kimberly set her mug of hot chocolate down on the table in front of her, looking up at them all expectantly. "So. Anything else on your minds keeping you awake?"

"No, not really," Syd said slowly. Kimberly eyed her immediately, and she hesitated, biting her lip and hugging Peanuts closer. "It's just ... "

"Just what?" Wes asked finally, frowning when no one else stepped in to explain.

Eventually Jack sighed. "It's nothing, really. It's just ... you know that feeling you get when you come back from a mission, and you're all keyed up and full of energy?"

Wes nodded, Kimberly doing the same beside him as she considered the teen carefully.

Jack shrugged. "I feel like that. Even though we didn't do anything today."

"Me, too," Z admitted.

"Me, three," Syd sighed.

Sky nodded silently, while Bridge seemed to be counting on his fingers before he looked up abruptly. "Me uh, four. Or five. Or - "

"Bridge," the rest of his Squad sighed in unison.

Bridge fell silent, looking sheepish, and Wes saw Kimberly hide a smile.

"There's this feeling, too ... " Sky said softly. "Like there's something I've forgotten. But I can't figure out what it is." He looked frustrated.

Bridge looked contemplative. "Which considering you may have forgotten whatever it is you forgot, trying to remember what you've forgotten that you can't remember is - " He paused, catching sight of the glare Sky was giving him, and blinked. "Um, me too. I forgot something, too." He frowned. "I think."

Kimberly looked at Wes, frowning in concern. There was a silent question in her eyes, and Wes managed a faint reassuring smile as he shook his head. "Time Lag," he told her quietly.

She closed her eyes, letting out a barely audible sigh of relief. She may have admitted that she worried about the kids as much as he did just awhile ago, but it was still a little reassuring to actually see it. Kimberly was better at burying her concern in the face of professionalism than he was, he acknowledged silently.

"Time Lag?" Z echoed with a frown of her own.

"The sensation of traveling through time, when your body physically remembers what's happened, but your mind can't catch up," Sky answered her distractedly as he stared at Wes and Kimberly. He didn't seem to notice the surprised looks the rest of his squad gave him in return. "Why would we be suffering from Time Lag?" he demanded.

Wes and Kimberly exchanged glances. Kimberly hesitated before at last nodding slightly, and Wes sighed. "Because you traveled to the past today," he told Sky, glancing around to include the other four in his statement. "That's why you've all been tired and distracted. Cruger, too. You're all still worn out from the mission. And your mind won't shut off because there's something you're supposed to be remembering, but you can't. Those are standard symptoms of Time Lag."

Sky looked incredulous and furious at the same time. "Our memories were erased?" he guessed, glaring as Wes nodded. "So no one was going to tell us about this?"

Wes sighed again. "It's not like we're keeping it from you. You went on a mission to follow Grumm through a timehole to 2004. Cruger erased all of your memories after erasing the memories of the people you met there, because he seemed to think it wasn't fair that you remembered and they didn't."

"The people we - " Sky caught himself, frowning. "The Dino Thunder Rangers?"

The corner of his mouth lifted. His son was too smart for his own good. "That's right," he agreed softly.

"But we've already met them," Z argued, scowling. "Why would it make a difference if we remembered meeting them on this mission or not?"

Kimberly shrugged, giving her a sympathetic look. "I wish we could give you an answer, but I really can't. Cruger didn't talk to me before he left, and I have no idea what he was thinking when he did it. The rest of the main staff knows you went back, but we've confirmed that you teamed up with the Dino Thunder Rangers because there's not really any reason to hide it from any of the other Rangers. But most of the general staff doesn't know the details other than Kat, since she was in charge of the mission in the first place. All I can tell you is that you went back and met Conner, Ethan, Kira, and Trent, and helped them fight Grumm and Zeltrax's armies. Beyond that, the details aren't that important."

"We got to meet Uncle Trent in the past?" Bridge looked disappointed.

"So why do you know all this?" Jack demanded. He had the same scandalized and outraged expression on his face as Sky and Z.

She smiled a little. "When Cruger went to erase everyone's memories, he forgot to erase Tommy's. He was the Black Dino Thunder Ranger," she added as Jack and Z frowned in confusion. "He fought with you when you were there. But he had to leave right afterward, so he wasn't there to say goodbye when the rest of you did, and Cruger never thought to erase his memory beforehand. He's the one who told me what was going to happen, so that I'd know to send you all back today."

"A paradox," Bridge murmured thoughtfully, more to himself than anyone else. "We had to go back because we were already there. And we had to have our memories erased because we already did."

Wes nodded, trying not to grin and failing. "That's right."

There was a long silence as B Squad contemplated, all of them frowning. "Well, that stinks," Syd said finally, scowling deeper. "I mean, what was the point?"

"According to the shuttle's security camera, you said something about it not being fair that all of you remembered and they didn't, and Cruger said you were right. Then he flashed you," Kimberly told her with a shrug.


"So this is all Syd's fault?" Z said finally, frowning.

"It is not!" Syd cried hotly. "It's not like I actually asked him to do it! I just made a statement. He did it on his own. And you can't blame me for something I don't even remember," she added with a huff, folding her arms.

Wes watched them argue, sipping his tea and trying not to look amused as Jack was dragged into it. Kimberly just shook her head. He felt Sky hovering just behind him, and looked up to offer his son a faint smile.

Sky just shook his head, rolling his eyes as he adjusted to sit on the arm of the couch. "So why can't you sleep, Dad?" he asked at last, eyeing Wes.

Wes sighed. "Too much on my mind," he admitted quietly. "Things I should be doing, things I should have done. Things I'm probably going to do."

Sky frowned at the floor in front of him. "Sounds familiar," he muttered.

Wes glanced at him. "And you?" he pressed gently. "Why aren't you asleep? Is it just what Cruger said?"

Sky sighed. "That's part of it," he confessed. "I kept thinking ... Well, nevermind. It doesn't matter now."

"What on Earth are all of you doing up at this hour?" Cruger demanded from the doorway. "It's nearly one o'clock in the morning!" He paused, growling softly at Wes. "Sergeant Collins, were you not under orders to remain in the medlab until both the vaccine and the Litharian Flu have run their course?"

"Have you ever tried to keep Wes in bed before, Commander?" came an irritated voice from behind him. Eric moved around Cruger, folding his arms and glaring at Wes. "Trust me, it's harder than it looks."

"There's a visual I didn't need," Jack muttered, grimacing and putting a hand to his forehead. Sky looked startled before moving to smack him upside the back of the head with a glare.

"Ew," Syd agreed, making a face.

Eric rolled his eyes, coming to grab Wes' arm and gently haul him to his feet. "You're going back to medlab, and I'm going to strap you down to that bed," Eric informed him with scowl.

"Hypocrite," Wes retorted, reaching for his tea.

Sky beat him to it, returning the mug to the synthetron for him. "I'm pretty sure we've had this conversation before," he interrupted with a sigh. "And you're both terrible about staying put when you're supposed to be resting. That's why Mom always complains I get it from you." He didn't bother to clarify which one of them he was referring to, and Wes supposed he might have had a point.

Not that he was going to admit to it.

B Squad reluctantly moved toward the door, Sky waiting to hover at Wes' side as Eric wrapped an arm around his waist. "I can walk," Wes complained. "I'm sick, not an invalid."

"The last time you told me that you fainted on me," Eric reminded him, rolling his eyes.

Wes glowered. "I *didn't* faint," he muttered rebelliously.

"Fine. Passed out. Whatever."

Cruger shook his head and followed B Squad, Kimberly stopping to smile at the three of them. "Wes? If you *try* and get some sleep tonight, I promise to have someone bring you paperwork to do in bed tomorrow," she offered.

"Done," Wes said immediately, looking grateful. He paused and frowned suspiciously. "What if I try, but I still can't sleep?" he asked warily.

"Stay in bed anyway, and we'll call it a deal."

He nodded swiftly. "Done."

Eric raised an eyebrow at him as she left. "You're actually going to stay in bed?" he asked sarcastically.

Wes made a face at him. "I'll grab a book or something."

"Just as long as I don't have to hear about whatever Eric does to keep you there," Sky informed them, making a face.

Eric raised an eyebrow. "Thanks for the suggestion."

Wes laughed as Sky gave Eric a dirty look. He hid a yawn as Eric smirked back in response, shaking his head at them both. He was surprised to realize he felt better than he had when he'd first dragged himself out of the infirmary in search of something to shut his brain off. Maybe sleep wouldn't be so far in coming after all.

I have really got to put an end to these late-night counseling sessions, he sighed to himself, only to smile as Eric reached out to smack Sky upside the head for something he hadn't heard. Behind him he could hear the sounds of the rest of B Squad wishing each other good night and heading into separate rooms. Ahead of him Kimberly was lecturing a rather amused looking Cruger about who-knew-what.

He shook his head, still smiling.


* ETA: Trying to remember how to post again FTW!

wes/eric, bright skies, s.p.d., time force

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