I can has job plz?

Apr 02, 2010 14:39

Akume: Well, I was praying for signs and guidance ...
Akume: I guess this is sort of like a big cosmic mallet to the head going 'HERE YOU GO, DOOFUS. PAY ATTENTION.'

Got a phone call this morning about getting me into a program to get my student loans out of default. Which means I can go back to school. Which means I can get my degree in psychology.

There's a campus in Arizona that offers the program I want, in the area I want. I have money to get there. I already have someone I love and adore in the area to help me learn my way around. I'm just missing *one* thing.

-Flails spastically- WANTS JOB NAOW, DAMN IT.

work, rant, school

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