Mismatched Perfect: Telephone (Power Rangers Ninja Storm/Thunderbirds Crossover, K)

Mar 17, 2010 03:00

Okay, so ... I've been trying to tell myself not to post this yet. Because really, I wanted to write more of the whole story first, and also because I really hadn't intended for my Hunter/Blake backstory to be a crossover. But I was rereading it again, and damn it, I really like the way this came out. -Glares at Hunter- If nothing else, I may turn ( Read more... )

sibling love, fanfiction, thunderbirds, ninja storm

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Also, I know you said you wanted more sibling love (and I love what you did here <3) megthelegend March 17 2010, 10:42:11 UTC
Blake sat on the sand and stared out over the waves. He could kind of almost sort of see why Tori loved the water so much. It was hypnotic, mysterious, and kept splashing him, like Tori herself.

Getting dark. He should probably head back, soon. It was a surprise that Hunter hadn't hassled him already, demanding to know where he was. Maybe Hunter was being unusually perceptive. Maybe Hunter was asleep.

Maybe Hunter was fighting for his life against Lothor and his goons. Blake bolted to his feet, lifting his morpher to his lips, but before he could say anything he felt a hand clapped on his shoulder. "You're gonna catch your death out here," Hunter's voice said, warm and disapproving, in his ear.

Blake laughed. "I'm not a kid any more, Hunter. I know when I'm too cold."

"Take my jacket anyway."


"Take it." Hunter slipped it around his shoulders, and tugged at him, making him sit back down again. "Now, what're you doing out here? The dark and brooding thing's more me than you, y'know."

Blake shrugged. "You saying I can't carry it off?"

Hunter poked him. His finger shook. "You okay?"

"Better'n you. You're freezing. C'mere." He put an arm around Hunter, who'd obviously dressed for 'cold' and not 'cold and I'll shortly be without my jacket'. For once he was going to be the comforting one, dammit.

Hunter nestled in against his side. "So you're not gonna talk, huh?"


He didn't need to. Not really. Hunter knew it all already, anyway. But it was nice to have company.


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