The Nature of Fanfiction vrs. Original Fiction

Mar 09, 2010 16:33

I miss writing fanfiction.

Don't misunderstand me: I'm not saying I'll never write it again or anything. I couldn't do that if I *tried*. It's just that I'm *FINALLY* getting some ideas for my original story, and I'm working on it while I can, which means I'm not writing fanfiction at the moment.

This has brought a very serious problem to my attention.

Fanfiction is easy. It's not because you already have established characters, scenery, and general ideas. Fanfiction is actually *harder* to write in that sense, because you have to stick to someone else's characterization within your own plot. You can do whatever you want to them, but you have to take the time to think 'Is this *really* how they would react here, or is this how I *want* them to react?' You need to help the characters grow, learn, and change, without losing their basic personality traits that make them so recognizable. To be able to do that is a sign of a truly great writer, and we have some incredibly *awesome* writers in this fandom. -Pauses to admire them all-

No, the reason fanfiction is easy is because if you get stuck, there's an entire *network* of support around you. Don't know if you're still in character? Poke a fandom friend and ask them what they think. Having trouble making a decision of what to do next? Post a poll! There's *loads* of opinions available! (Sometimes whether you want them or not! ♥)

The nice thing about working on original fiction is that the only characterization you have to worry about is your own. If you don't like the way a person is acting, change it! It's that simple. You can name things whatever you want, make them look like whatever pops into your head. In many ways, it's the ultimate freedom in writing, because it's your world, and the only one who knows what it should be is you.

The downside is that original fiction lacks that fantastic network. When you get stuck, you're left staring at a blank word document going ' ... ' Poke a friend and you have to take the time to explain what's going on before you can get any help, which can be distracting from what your problem was in the first place. You *can* make a poll, but when most of the people who respond really don't know what you're talking about, it sort of lacks something in its usefulness.

Sure, there's But if you're like me, and someday hope to actually *publish* your story? Not such a good idea. You never know who's reading around there, and sadly not everyone on the internet is respectful of other people's ideas. (Case in point, the plagiarism issues on as mentioned by phantom_blue.)

-Sighs- So ... I love my story. Truly, I do. I've been working on MoT for roughly twelve years now - no joke. Between writing, rewriting, and compiling information, I've put a great deal of work into this world of mine. And there's so much more to decide and create. I'm really only on the first part of the series.

But when I get stuck on those random questions, like 'should my mermaids have fish tails, or legs with fins on them?', or 'Okay, what happens now?' Or more importantly, 'Does this part even make any *sense*?' I find myself thinking longingly of my fandom friends, who have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about.

So because I don't say it nearly often enough, you're all incredibly awesome. I love you. ♥

ETA: Downside of having Writer Friends: everyone is usually too busy working on their own stories to help with mine. I so need an editor. -_-;;

writing, fanfiction, sunshine thoughts, fandom, mages of tydor

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