The people around me are filled with wisdom. We all need to take the time to appreciate that wisdom.

Mar 07, 2010 17:34

starandrea: Do you live in such a magical wonderful place, or do you just know how to make it seem that way?

Yes! ::Delight:: Don't we all, in our own ways xoxo I love you!

purplestripe66: [Ponders] Yes, I supose that is true. Everyplace is magical. I used to know this.

starandrea: You still know this ::love:: You carry the magic with you!

I found this while referencing a post Stars made ages ago, with pictures she took on a walk. I was paging through it again, remembering my request to turn it into icons, when I came across these comments. I actually stopped for a moment to stare as the words washed over me.

It's a very profound saying, when you take the time to really think about it.

I need to use that line in MoT somewhere. 'Everyplace is magical, because we carry the magic with us. We've just forgotten.'

Thank you both for sharing this wisdom with me. ♥

friendship, sunshine thoughts, icons, mages of tydor

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