Stil breathing. ^_~

Apr 05, 2008 14:23

Hey, check it out! I'm still alive! Who knew?

Actually, I just haven't written anything PR lately, since I'm trying to focus on my original story. And then I realized I hadn't figured out a couple major details for that world ... -Shrugs- Just not in a PR mood at the moment, and there's not really much else going on in my life right now.

Snagged from Weesta. -Sends hugs-

1. My username is ______ because ______.

My username is Tsukino Akume because it's the name one of my best friends gave me. It's Japanese for moon's wild or untameable horse. I use it because one, I am obsessed with the Japanese language and Japan in general, two, because I like the way it sounds (sue-key-no ah-coo-may) and it's meaning, and three, because I couldn't come up with anything better. ^_~

And on a side note for anyone who didn't know, because I use the Japanese version of saying it, technically my first name is Akume, and my last name is Tsukino.

2. My name is _____ because ______.

My name is Jennifer because I was going to be a boy, and they were going to name me Paul after a relative of my mom's. Then I was born, and my parents went 'Oh ... She looks like a Jennifer'. Seriously.

3. My journal is titled ____ because ____.

My journal is titled 'Fading Lights' because that's the name of my PR website, and I didn't feel like coming up with anything else at the time.

4. My friends page is called ____ because ____.

Dude! You can *name* your friends page? O.O

5. My default userpic is ____ because ____.

My default userpic is my 'Akume' icon because it's made from a picture drawn by the same best friend who gave me my name, and I adore that picture. Plus, I really like the way the icon came out. ^_^


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