The Plothole that is the Black Knight and the Battle Warrior Episode

Feb 24, 2010 05:19

Okay dear Friends List, I have a new question/debate for you, as raised by a conversation with BlackCrimsonLight, who often gets me into these debates. -Eyes him-

Our debate is: Wes and his BattleFire Armor.

The Black Knight had to get to 2001 somehow, right? Was he deliberately sent there, and if he was, who sent him? Was there a time portal floating around he wandered through, and if there was, how did *that* get there? Is Time Force involved? Alex sent Eric the Mega Battle Armor; maybe he did the same for Wes, just in a different way.
Poll The mystery of the Black Knight

Which leads to another debate: who *was* the Black Knight? Was he Wes somehow? Was he Alex? Was he a Ranger? How did he even *get* the box? Why couldn't he get it open?
Poll The mystery of the Black Knight part 2

And the biggest question, was the blue orb thing *always* a battlizer, or did it just react that way to Wes in particular? Why?
Poll Mysterious Shiny Blue Orb

Please leave any additional thoughts, questions, or theories in the comments. You may or may not convince me to do something with it in ADSoR, which, at the rate I'm going, I probably will. Other theories may help make it a little more logical. ^.^;;

Akume: Time Force: the ultimate in Power Ranger-induced Headaches. (Excluding Lost Galaxy as a seasonal whole.)

poll, time force, wes

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