Date: 2010-01-03 06:56 am (UTC)
tsukino_akume I'm voting for Sam/Dean, but not in the Wincest way. I think that when Sam was little, he wouldn't have completely understood the concept beyond 'Your Name + The Person You Love Most', and being a kid, the person he loved most was his big brother. Which means the discovery of being wrong could either be sad and angsty, like a classmate seeing and making fun of him, or funny and cute, like Dean finding something he'd written that on and freaking out. Or you could go the brotherly fluff route of Dean not freaking, but having to awkwardly explain why Sam can't write 'Sam+Dean'.
Other than that, I'd say Sam+Jess, but by now he doesn't do it anymore, because it reminds him of her and that makes him sad. Or it reminds him of when he used to write Dean's name, and then he gets embarrassed. Or both. Whatever works for you.
Date: 2010-01-03 07:00 am (UTC)
tsukino_akume ... I think you just gave me a MiniBunny. Now I kinda want to write Dean having to explain why Sam can't write 'Sam+Dean' in hearts anymore.
You is evil.
Date: 2010-01-03 07:04 am (UTC)
starandrea Awwwww ♥ That's totally adorable! Go bunny go!
Akume: -Hides behind you- Challon is evil!
Challon86: ^_^V
phantom_blue: :-p
Akume: Now I've got ideas that the legend of Atlantis was really a settlement of Aquitians that eventually left Earth because they had problems with dehydration. x.x
phantom_blue: I like this.
Akume: -Glares- Don't help.
Challon86: *flails* I WANT THIS
Akume: NO!
phantom_blue: YES
... I hate you all so much right now. -Sulks-