Ramblings of the Drugged Sick Person

Oct 19, 2009 11:52

I officially have The Sinus Cold from Hell.

I thought it was gone two days ago. It's not. It came back with a *vengeance*. I'm drugged to my pores, *still* coughing and sneezing my head off, swallowing cough drops like they're candy, and I managed to go through an entire box of tissues in one night.

I *HATE* being sick. >.<+++

While reading fics in an attempt to feel slightly less miserable, I came to the conclusion that I want a Charmed/Supernatural/Thunderbirds crossover. Possibly including Mike and Leo from Power Rangers. *Maybe* Hunter and Blake. Namely I want to see my favorite overprotective older brothers - Wyatt, Dean, and Scott - and their trouble-magnet younger brothers - Chris, Sam, and Alan. Because the power of pissed off older brothers and freakishly smart younger brothers is *deadly*.

Any takers? I will love you forever and ever and give you cyber brownies and praise your name. I would totally write this myself, but I haven't actually seen season 6 of Charmed. Most of what I know is from fandom and a couple video clips. c.c;;

Speaking of which, anyone know where I might be able to watch and/or download episodes of Charmed, so I can actually see it? I only managed to find the first four episodes of the first season before the links stopped working. And YouTube's versions weren't in English. -Sulks- I wanna write Chris and Wyatt fics, damn it! (Also, would *really* love to actually see the explanation of Whitelighters instead of just reading it.)

Also, my internet access is going to be sporadic for awhile, unfortunately. Life issues and trying to find employment. I'll be on here and there, just not as much as I usually am. So updates will be lacking for a bit. -Snuggles Friends List- But I'm still around, so if you get a random comment from an old post, that's just me catching up.


power rangers, randomness, charmed, thunderbirds, rant, supernatural

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