ABC Meme

Oct 12, 2009 17:08

Stolen from

A - Age: 25

B - Bed size: Futon

C - Chore you hate: Taking out the trash. It's heavy and it smells. >.<

D - Dog's name(s): Don't have one anymore. I occasionally steal Lucky, Simon, or Buddy from my brother's family, though. And I still sort of consider my dad's dog Maria to be mine, even though I haven't seen her in a couple years.

E - Essential start your day item: Going to the bathroom, considering that's usually what gets me out of bed.

F - Favorite colors: Green, Silver, Black, and White, especially together.

G - Gold or Silver: Silver.

H - Height: 5'2"

I - Instruments you play(ed): I started to learn piano until my piano teacher went to college so I can play about six variations of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and one other song on that, and I was in band for about two years before my mom made me drop out for study hall, so I can sort of play by ear, but not well. Can't read sheet music for the life of me, either: I have to hear it first. I sing lots, though. Does that count?

J - Job title: Unemployed, due to fighting over a worker's comp injury. -Glares at Disney-

K - Kids: None yet. I swore when I was younger that I wouldn't have any until I was at least twenty-five and financially stable. I'm halfway there.

L - Leader or follower: Depends. I *can* lead, and I actually like to, but I don't assume a leadership fole until I'm pushed into it.

M - Mom's name: Janet.

N - Nicknames: Akume, Imouto, Andros, Sunny, Peggy, Ringo, She That Simply Is, Homofiend of Sap ... I claim many. And that's not including the two I get for my actual name.

P - Pet Peeve: Character Bashing, dirty dishes piling up, getting woken up, slap stick comedy, and the phrase 'Just joshin' ya.' -Twitches- I'm sure there's more, but we don't have all day.

Q - Quote from a movie: "Look at yourself. You're so pretty and colorful on the outside, but inside you're nothing but fluff. You're like a walking, talking marshmallow peep!" (Latter Days is ♥.)

R - Right or left handed: Predominately right handed, but somewhat ambidextrous. And I can pick stuff up with my toes.

S - Sibling(s): Older brother and two older sisters biologically, Older brother and three older sisters 'adopted'.

T - Time you wake up: When I feel like it. I'm trying to stay on a day schedule, but with my roommates are on rotating shifts, that tends to get screwed all to hell.

U- Underwear: Briefs. I refuse to wear butt floss, thank you.

V - Vegetable you dislike: Squash and sweet potatoes. Pretty much any other vegetables I'll eat as soon as you put butter and salt on it. Unless it's peas; those are AWESOME frozen.

W - Ways you run late: I get ready and realize I've forgotten something I need, or *I'm* ready, and the person driving me who's been telling me to hurry up isn't ready yet. >.<

X - X-rays you've had: Five MRIs on my head, one x-ray of my right knee, one MRI on my right knee, and various dental x-rays back when I had braces. (Yes, I am officially a headcase. No, this is not news.)

Y - Yummy food you make: I can cook? Uh ... I can make sugar cookies, broccoli salad, and orange julius. I can *kind of* make grilled tofu, but I'm not good at the grilling part. That's about it. Anything else I attempt needs to be pre-packaged or come with instructions.

Z - Zoo favorite: I don't get to go often, but white tigers shall always have a special place in my heart. They're so pretty!


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