Bright Skies (Multi - Season Crossover/Power Rangers, prompt #14: Save the Day, T)

Mar 14, 2008 00:51

-Winces- I am *so* supposed to be in bed right now. Oops. I couldn't resist once I finished this chapter.

At last! Some explanations as to *what* exactly the lab accident did! Sort of. A couple explanations, anyway. ^_~

Bright Skies (Multi - Season Crossover/Power Rangers, prompt #14: Save the Day, T)
Author/: Tsukino Akume
Fandom/: Power Rangers ( Read more... )

bright skies, s.p.d., time force

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Comments 9

germankitty March 14 2008, 09:16:17 UTC
VERY nice! More, please? *feeds hyperactive plotbunny when you're not looking*


Rabid plotbunny attack! tsukino_akume March 14 2008, 15:23:21 UTC
-Laughs- Thank you! May I ask which plotbunny you're feeding? Is it for more of explanations of the lab accident, more kids with weird abilities, more Zofren, or just more Bright Skies in general?

Although to be honest, there'll be more of everything anyway. ^_^


Re: Rabid plotbunny attack! germankitty March 14 2008, 17:02:15 UTC
Um, all of the above? (In addition, I'm petting the "Fade to Darkness" plotbunny. Does it help?


Re: Rabid plotbunny attack! tsukino_akume March 14 2008, 20:15:12 UTC
-Laughs- Hey, no fair petting the plotbunny when you haven't even beta'd the last chapters I sent you yet. Tell me what you think of the end, and I'll be able to work from there. ^_~


aisho_ren March 15 2008, 00:29:14 UTC
I really love where your going with this. But I hope we see some Wes/Eric soon.


lunaria_kitty March 16 2008, 19:41:50 UTC
Oh I'm so slow at getting this read, but I thoroughly enjoyed this chapter. ::Joins germankitty in feeding the plotbunnies::

Another cliffie too! ::Hopes that you've updated again:: ^_^

::Goes off to catch up on LJ::

Love! ♥


rosabelle June 8 2008, 03:13:23 UTC
Oh, this is definitely the best chapter yet! I just have to say that I *love* what you've done with Lord Zedd. That last time we see him in Space was just so... weird. It's nice to see him again. ^_^


m14mouse June 9 2008, 03:29:32 UTC
0___o Damn...Just Damn....All of them need hugs but Nick. >.> dislike is showing again. Must stop that. XD

Anyway, great chapter. The tension...and you could almost feel the burden lying on their shoulders that they did this to their children((Even if it wasn't on purpose)). Wonderful...wonderful job.


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